No one cares anymore if they are alive or dead??!!! ✍️Dr Omar Kabo


++ The Janjaweed militia media works hard to promote the idea that victim Hemedti is still alive and that his brother, criminal motorist Abdul Rahim, is in good health, overseeing militia tasks in the field. ..

++ This humble hall broadcast the news that: Abd al-Rahim Dagalo had secretly removed members of his tribe from the ranks of his forces in Bahri, Khartoum and East Nile, commenting on this as an obvious betrayal…

++ This is all slander, lies and deception. The indisputable fact that Hemedti died from his deep wounds and his stupid brother was seriously injured, which prevented him from appearing on the field even for five minutes, proves that the Janjaweed still have ground. direction…

++ We do not deny that the simple people of the Dagalo family paid the price for the stupidity of these two idiots after the cursed devil, Arman Saeed Arman, led them into deception about the possibility of seizing power easily and conveniently without any significant resistance…

++Let the first pay the price for his soul, which God cut and took with the help of the Almighty and the Mighty, and you will be asked about all the brutal crimes and atrocities committed against Sudan.. .

++ While the second paid the price of deep injuries that deprived him of movement and physical activity, while he was lying in one of the hospitals in Uganda, living in a very poor psychological state, and that his whims were subject to fierce combat from the guards of our regular forces every second, every time and every moment…

++ The simple people of the Dagalo family paid for the lives of their children, who went to their creators carrying the burden of blood, body parts, wounded and martyrs who stood up in the battle of dignity for defend honor, honor, religion, money and land…

++ The detailed and precise information indicates that some members of this tribe have lost their men and their young, and that they will pay the bill later, after having paid it earlier, unless their elders act to save which can be, especially since they inevitably will. facing the bitterness of vengeance, retribution, and healing in response to what they did to others…

++ What is strange and surprising about this news is that public opinion is no longer concerned about the question of the life of the deceased Hemedti and the safety of his brother, considering that the question of their life and their death is the same for him. ..

++ Unlike the small Zionist state of the Emirates, which is struggling to prove that he is still alive, the day before yesterday we saw the traitor, Agent Hamdok, confirm that he had communicated with Hemedti, while the media room published this news. to confirm the life of the second..

++The state is working to strengthen the bargaining position of the militia in negotiations that will not take place, God willing, as long as the will of the Sudanese people and their armed forces is fully devoted to the elimination and complete crushing of the criminal and rebel militia. ..

++ Al-Burhan's three no's were decisive and decisive, bringing joy to the faces of the Sudanese people, who will not accept any negotiations with those who usurped their honor, plundered their money and subjected them to a life of humiliation, submission, and indignity…

++ It is time for this room to realize that the Sudanese people are too big and too conscious to be drawn into illusions, misguidedness and lies that will not convince a Janjaweed, much less an intelligent Sudanese who would not. …

++ While the leaders of the army and the General Intelligence Service appear on the ground, pushing and pulling support from their members, the deceased Hemedti lies underground, cursed morning and evening by the masses of the Sudanese people. .

++ Be careful, Jane..

++ Army, machine..

Omar Capo

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