North… Every vessel with what it contains breathes – The edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

There is no doubt that the work in all the states of Sudan, in light of this ongoing war, continues with will, determination and patience in the face of adversity. There is no doubt that those who come forward to work in these circumstances are trying to make the people (fesikh sorbet), and this situation fully applies to the government of the Northern State, which is working in extremely complex circumstances and is striving, under the leadership of the passionate governor, Abdeen Awadallah, and members of his government, to provide everything possible and part of the impossible To make happy the people of the state and the expatriates whom the state has received with all comfort and welcome, and provided them with aid. through shelters, and even the people of the state have opened their homes to them and shared their livelihoods with them.

0 I say this, and there are deceivers and greedy people who try in various ways to discourage the leaders, question their work and minimize their achievements despite the difficult economic conditions, and these people must remain silent after all the people of the country The state has exposed them and learned about their desperate plans and their miserable newsrooms that are moved like chess pieces.

0 Skepticism and the attempt to belittle those who fill the ditches with their absurdities and their projects aimed at undermining the stability of the state are like empty barrels that make noise every time they are struck but do not move anything among those who have dedicated themselves and their time to the service of the state and its people.

0 The Northern government, headed by Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, is working beyond its capabilities, facing difficult economic conditions, striving to ward off the effects of torrents and floods that occurred with the phenomenon of climate change, and making efforts in the fields of education, health, social affairs, environment, investment, media, culture, agriculture, youth and sports sectors, and through the executive directors, resistance committees and all government branches, popularity will not be defeated, God willing. Therefore, everyone should not pay attention to what the greedy and those with vested interests who do not like wonder or fasting in Rajab, as they say, raise.

0 Finally, we hope that all citizens of the state will join forces and not pay attention to the speeches raised by some who aim to destabilize stability and security. Every container with what it contains is exuded. It is as if the spokesperson of the peoples of the North said:

We were born not to be blessed


We are proud of each other

They remove Galaxy

We honored what he wanted

And tortillas and chips

We are jinn when they meet us

He recites Ayat Al-Kursi

We are the stars in the sky

We have lost distance

We are the battle and time is the mother

The flames we have passed through

We have been physiognomy for a long time

We are fed up with ignorance

We are the lioness of the lion house

We watered it

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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