North Kordofan Governor, urgent meeting needed that includes Bank of Sudan, banks and Security Committee ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

According to available information, the article published on Thursday evening (July 11, 2024) under the title (Monetary crisis in Sudan… The Central Bank wants to overthrow the regime) on social networks regarding the reactions were numerous. the circular issued by the Payment Systems Department of the Central Bank of Sudan to all banks regarding the withdrawal and transfer of cash through other banking applications (your bank), Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

According to the information, reactions came from all states that have commercial and banking activity, and I believe that North Kordofan and its capital, El-Obeid, are suffering and are seriously harmed by this circular, according to the information available from capitalism. and the community in general. Therefore, I believe that there is an extreme necessity that requires urgent intervention by the governor, Mr. Abdel-Khaleq Abdel-Latif, may God bless you, by holding an emergency meeting that includes the security committee and the director of the establishment. the Bank of Sudan, and all banks in Al-Obeid, to study this circular and to what extent it is (negative or positive) on the commercial and economic movement of Al-Obeid, and certainly if it is positive, the society must be understood that there is a need for security to dry up liquidity in the banks, even if fate has taken us far to make retirees, employees, traders and citizens in general suffer from the implementation of this decision, but if this decision is effective. negative, the Central Bank of Sudan and the federal government must be addressed with the recommendations of the joint meeting (with a clearly formulated petition) that the state of North Kordofan has been seriously damaged and has become a hell due to the shortage of money and its concentration in the Bank of Khartoum through the application (Your Bank).

May you always be well,,,

Saturday (July 13, 2024)

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