North Kordofan Humanitarian Aid Commission Begins Operations in Dashana City

The acting executive director of Umm Rawaba locality, Hamad Badawi Mualla, director of the administrative unit of Daashana, headed by the administrative unit, met with representatives of the international organizations Plan, the Patients' Relief Fund and the Sudanese Red Crescent Society.

The meeting was attended by the Da'ashana city development committee and the representative of the Sudanese Red Crescent Society in the state and locality.

Welcome, Acting Executive Director of Umm Rawaba Locality, Hamad Badawi Mualla, Director of an Administrative Unit, and we were invited by representatives of the organizations.

He called for urgent intervention in the areas of food, housing and medicine, stressing that the administrative unit of Daashana in general was affected by the war.

Enumeration of the extent of damage to public and private properties in the city of Dashana

The representative of the Patients' Aid Fund Organization, Muhammad Ali Taha, on behalf of the organizations, explained that the aim of the visit was to collect a questionnaire on the current situation in the city of Dashana and to train volunteers to collect basic information in the field of services.

He stressed that the organizations It aims to collect statistics. It contributes to meeting the needs of citizens in urgent interventions in the field of basic needs.

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