North Kordofan State Revenue Collection and Development Authority, Assessment and Evaluation ✴️ Another Angle ✴️ ✍️ Amna Muhammad Abdel-Rahman Al-Imam

*(Revenue Development and Collection Authority, reality and future vision)*

Under this slogan, the agency's evaluation workshop took place, which was part of institutional reform and evaluation by examining public performance for better governance and supervision of public funds.

The legal document examines the reasons and motivations for the creation of the agency, which is based on the strengthening of financial supervision according to an integrated system (law, executive regulations, financial policies) with the aim of reducing losses of income and obtain the satisfaction of financiers in terms of transparency and application. the values ​​of justice.

Problems related to the management of public money are among the biggest challenges faced by institutions, especially in the government sector, whether through direct infraction or mismanagement of public money. In both cases the result is the same and is one of the objectives of revenue collection. and Development is to reduce these negative phenomena and to control the use of public money, whether revenue or expenditure.

Diligence in the technical and professional training of human managers is not in itself sufficient for the success of the agency. The unified collection culture should be spread more widely among financiers and employees, with emphasis on consolidating the inherent, ethical and legal aspects of public law violation. This experience is considered the ideal solution to achieve financial governance.

In the proposed solutions contained in the documents and recommendations of the workshop, I hope that you will find studies and research by those concerned and specialists to evaluate the performance after having evaluated it, taking into account privacy and circumstances surrounding each financier.

The impact of the war on unified achievements, alternatives, plans, topics which we hope will find their place in professional scientific research,

In conclusion, the results of this workshop do not have their place in (stylish cabinets), but rather in the field, and due to the war conditions known to all, everyone has the appropriate opportunity to work on these recommendations and to transform them into implementations. action plans.

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