Northern Governor meets Deputy Commissioner for Refugees in Khartoum and Northern Sector

Pursuant to the decisions of the Minister of Interior during his recent visit to the Northern State to develop solutions to the refugee issue in the Northern sector, the Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Musa Atroun, led a delegation led by Mr. Suleiman Yaqoub. , Deputy Commissioner for Refugees in Khartoum and the northern sector, to determine the conditions of the refugees.

In the northern sector

In this context, the Acting Governor of Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awad, met with the delegation, welcoming their visit to the Northern State, in the presence of the Director of Police of Northern State, the Major General Dr. Mohammed Al. -Amin, and the Commissioner of the Humanitarian Aid Commission, Dr. Abdul Rahman Ali Khairy.

The Deputy Commissioner for Refugees in Khartoum and the Northern Sector explained that the programs they offer to refugees include legal examination for those who have not been accepted collectively of different nationalities in order to reconcile their situations in different ways and legally.

The meeting with the Governor of the Northern State focused on developing solutions to resolve the refugee problems in the Northern State. During the meeting, they discussed the cases of foreign presence and its control that took place in the Red Sea State of Sudan last March. under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior, the meeting also addressed the issue of refugees in various localities, notably the locality of Halfa.

The visit was aimed at opening an office in the Northern State for the Deputy Commissioner for Refugees in Dongola and also the state's involvement in immigration and human trafficking issues and learning about the issues refugees in the campaigns carried out for human smuggling and trafficking and for more knowledge about the campaigns.

Highlighting their keenness to preserve state sovereignty by accommodating the conditions of refugees in the northern state and also to preserve Sudanese identity by registering and counting refugees.

The Deputy Commissioner for Refugees in Khartoum and the Northern Sector noted that all refugees will be registered in the coming period and that total enumeration will begin in all states of northern Sudan in order to reconcile their situation legally and known to the services security so that we can maintain the security and stability of States.

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