Northern Governor Reviews Results of Supervisors' Visit to Al-Dabbah and Marawi Localities

The Governor of the Northern State, Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, met in his office with the Director of the State Police and the Director General of the Ministry of Investment and Industry (supervisors of the flood emergency localities of Al-Dabbah and Merowe), where the Governor was briefed yesterday on the results of the field visit of the supervisors to the localities of Al-Dabbah and Merowe.

The Director of the State Police and the Rapporteur of the State Security Committee, Major General of the Police, revealed Dr. Muhammad Ahmad Al-Amin suffered significant damage in some areas of the locality of Al-Dabbah due to the rain, torrential rains and torrents the day before yesterday. He said that some houses collapsed completely and others partially, in addition to the impact on the electricity network and water supply, floods washing away livestock and the interruption of the road leading from Al-Dabbah to Tenqsi Island and the national road in the Al-Rajhi Canal area, which threatens some villages,

He explained that technical works are underway on roads and bridges to repair the damage.

Highlighting the serious efforts of the government to overcome all obstacles

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