O honorable people of Sudan… die empty.. ✍️ Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza Subir

Dear reader, even if I know in advance that the majority of readers may raise their eyebrows in astonishment at the word… empty… which is one of the components of the title of this article. Indeed, the imagination of some of them can do it. we even go so far as to make a summary and arbitrary judgment on the triviality and uselessness of the human value contained in this article. If humanity worked according to it, it would survive in a happiness and psychological balance that words cannot describe… And so. that I do not prolong the period of raised eyebrows of astonishment for you, my honorable compatriots… I ask your permission to broach the subject, especially since it is urgent and important…

The title of this article was inspired by the title of a book by American author Todd Henry titled Die Empty, or…Die Empty, which in turn inspired the idea of ​​writing this book from the saying of an American manager… The richest places on earth are not the Gulf countries or the metal mines of Africa, but rather the cemeteries that contain the remains of large numbers of people who are died and were buried there before emptying what was in their treasure of goodness and valuable and useful ideas for humanity, that is why she was buried with them in their graves…

It was inspiration or positive energy that inspired him and led him to write his book Die Empty, urging all humanity to do everything possible to devote all their goodness and useful ideas for the benefit of living humanity before it dies and is buried with it. the cemetery… So, the writer Todd Henry himself applied and adopted the idea that a person dies empty through his book, Die Empty, so that he himself dies empty, so thanks to him for having published this human value, one of the characteristics of which is that it is a human heritage that has no expiration date, and which crosses all borders between countries without the need for passports or papers identity…

On this occasion, the beloved Chosen One, may the prayers and peace of God be upon him, had previously wished that Henry would call every believer to die empty, as many hadiths say, such as… If l 'one of you sees the Hour and there is a plant in the hand of one of you, so he must plant it… it is a call to do good deeds until the last moment of life of the believer…

Accompanied by this necessary introduction… I call and invite all honorable Sudanese in all professional and functional sectors and all members of the Sudanese people with all their tribal and clan components…

I implore them all to die empty, emptying whatever is in their hearts of great or small goodness or valuable ideas, so that all that goodness and ideas can help support the efforts of the Battle of the Dignity and to support the efforts of its heroes to repel the aggression of the global conspiracy which targets Sudan, its people and its resources, and here I must put Some important and special messages in the mail of some of those who may be interested are the following…

Mr. President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan…. With the overwhelming support of the Sudanese people, we call on you to withdraw the last reins from all sectors of the battle for armed dignity in order to completely eliminate and eradicate the Janjaweed terrorist rebellion and its collaborators, internal and external traitors and its financiers, as soon as possible. as God Almighty facilitates, in order to cut off the way of the traitors of our own people who, to this day, continue to conspire against us. Sudan and its people are in the capitals of evil…

Mr. Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, urgently sends high-level delegations to brotherly and friendly countries such as Russia, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait and China, with the aim of signing memorandums of agreement to establish giant investment projects in the fields of agriculture. , mining, industry, commerce and military manufacturing… It is very important to be freed from the restrictions of dependence on the Western world led by America, France and Great Britain. Brittany, who in fact participate in this global conspiracy against Sudan and its people

Mr. Minister of Finance… Dr. Jibril Ibrahim… I have already sent you an open letter containing concrete proposals to revive the economy and stop the deterioration of the currency, and we do not see that you have made any efforts sufficient for This concerns…

To all professionals… farmers… veterinarians… doctors… pharmacists… engineers… lawyers… diplomats and all other sectors and all their members at home and abroad.. I appeal to you to come together and pour out all the juice of your ideas to prepare emergency and development programs for the benefit of the development objectives of the Battle of Al-Kiram after the end of the war…

To all men of finance and business… God has opened great doors for you to enter Paradise through jihad with your money, supporting the heroes of the Battle of Dignity with money and weapons, and meeting the needs of their families as long as they are better than all of us in sacrificing their lives for the sake of the land and honor…

And remember, O rich people, that if you die empty emptying all your treasures in jihad for the sake of God, it is better for the heirs to fight for it after your death… so die empty.. .

This reminds me of some deeply meaningful words that one of the brothers from Tanzania said during our stay in the United Kingdom. Every Friday, after prayers, he threw a shawl and called the faithful, urging them to make donations. for the benefit of the poor and needy, saying…

The brothers donate generously… Put your money in a bank that will never fail… God’s bank…

And translated… Brothers in prayer, donate generously… Put your money in the bank that never fails… the bank of God… that is, die empty of your money. ..

It is time and it is not too late, my honorable country, for all of us to die in vain for the sake of a dignified Sudan that welcomes everyone…..

With all my thanks and appreciation

Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

University of Khartoum


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