O Muhammad, friend of the betrayed…. You have become a martyr and a symbol of valor.!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas

*The bastards thought they killed you, but it was you who killed them and made them suffer (humiliation) and proved to the whole world that they were a bunch of humility, ugliness, and (baseness and stench) …And they did not know that God had caused your death, (life) among us…And they killed you with treachery and wickedness, and without a gun in your hand, even though you were, you know, because of their conflicts and their ugliness, they killed me like (dead rats)… and when they defeated you, they rejoiced (in indebauchery), in insolence and hatred, and (your steadfastness) made them angry, so they began to frolic in (crops and unemployment), and it was the maximum of their (ignoble) stature before your raised head and at the height of (your head), then why do they find nothing but to show (naked) their manhood (their anointing): shame, hatred, wickedness, and the orgy of blood on their pale faces, and the roll of cadmol on their (empty) heads…. Their whole thing, O Muhammad, friend of the brave, was to (kill) you, so you disappeared physically, and your soul went to God, as if I saw in the offal (A green bird) in Paradise on the Throne of the Most Merciful, as if I saw (Hell) raging (to roast) these criminals, and there is neither death nor life for them. (Then you, you stinking ones, will be in God's happiness, and you black-faced bastards will turn into hell..!!*

*We made a covenant with you and with you, Muhammad Siddiq, that we would all be on the battlefield, Muhammad Siddiq, and our vengeance for you ignited in us a fervor to eradicate these thugs, so that no one none of them remains among us. us to see the face of the earth again, and our covenant with you is to cleanse the earth from (their impurity) and from the traces of their (bad) feet, and to cut off their (obscene) tongues, and filling their filthy mouths (with their cries)… So go to (Your Highness), O symbol of patience and firmness, and we will not grieve, but on the contrary have more (hatred) for these criminals, for your honorable death (make you are happy) now and makes you forget the world. And the family, because God, by His permission, the Almighty, has (given) you what is (better) than the world and its family and its homes, so be kind to it, O Muhammad, for it has (awakened) in us the sweetness of death with all (this pride) which is as if it were one of (your) properties alone, and to you be God, patience and glory, O fatherland. May the curse of God be on the vile bastards and between us and you cowards (the fight) that our army and all the honorable fighters on its side know..!!

*May God have mercy on you, Knight Muhammad Siddiq, and make your home the highest paradise*

*we belong to God and to him we return*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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