Obituary.. Emirates – Beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*UAE Ministry of Defense: 4 armed forces personnel killed, 9 others injured*

*The official obituary does not specify the nature of the accident, nor the location in the country, nor that it was a “case of force majeure”*

*The news received no media attention from Emirati channels and news agencies,*

*These channels may have failed to formulate the information because the information is incomplete, or they have ignored it intentionally, or because of directives,*

*The incident coincided with an airstrike by the Sudanese army against militia military targets in Nyala*

*The UAE has not yet heard of the formation of a brigade to deter the UAE from popular resistance, and it believes that it will be safe from any sanctions*

The UAE government page published an article on its official page in which it said: “The Ministry of Defense mourns a number of its brave men and extends its sincere condolences and sympathy (to the families of the martyrs), asking God Almighty to fill them with His great mercy. The Ministry of Defense announces the martyrdom of 4 members of the armed forces and the injury of 9 others this evening, Tuesday, September 24, 2024, after they were exposed to an accident while carrying out their duty. In the country, the ministry indicated that the injured received the necessary health care, wishing them a speedy recovery.

Although the Emirati channels and media, Al Arabiya and Al Hadath, as well as allied channels, widely covered the news of the assassination of four Emirati soldiers in Somalia last February, the head of state mourned them and an official ceremony was prepared to receive the bodies, the news (The martyrdom of four members of the UAE forces and the injuries of nine others the day before yesterday did not attract the attention of the media of the same channels and news agencies. Perhaps these channels failed to formulate the news because the information was incomplete, or perhaps they ignored it intentionally, or because of directives.

The news is incomplete and ambiguous, and the phrase (due to their exposure to an accident while performing their duties in the state) has increased the ambiguity. The official obituary does not specify the nature of the accident, nor anywhere in the country. state, and did not say that it was (a case of force majeure), or a road accident, or whether it was the result of an air attack, a ground attack or a bombing. The hospital in which the injured were receiving health care was not. specified, or whether the condition of some of them was serious, or whether their injuries were minor, and were they transferred in an emergency?? ,

Evidence of the circumstances and date of the incident (September 24, 2024 AD) coincided with an airstrike by the Sudanese army on militia military targets in Nyala, and with reports of an Emirati cargo plane landing at Nyala airport. also linked to the arrival of an Emirati air defense system being assembled at the airport, and informed sources confirm that the aforementioned incident was due to a Sudanese air bombardment that targeted the surroundings of the airport, including weapons and military equipment stores, making it likely that the reports that the Emirati officers were killed in Nyala as a result of the aerial bombardment are true.

The UAE has committed crimes against our country. It has provided weapons, money and mercenaries to support the militia, and is directly involved in technical support and intelligence. It is likely that it entered the field alongside the militia. It is training a number of pilots.

The UAE is doing everything in its power to break the army's resolve and try to subdue it, through a war of attrition and displacement of citizens, and through the destruction of hospitals and service centers, and has not (convinced) the error and failure of its plans, and will continue to harm the Sudanese people and their institutions, especially the military institution. The UAE believes that it will be safe from any sanctions. It has not yet heard of the formation of the UAE Deterrence Brigade. resistance.

September 25, 2024 AD

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