Obstacles to Development in West Kordofan State ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamid

There is no doubt that cultural diversity and multi-ethnicity have long represented a major dilemma in the search of South Kordofan and western society for its national and patriotic identity.

.. This is perhaps what paved the political way very early, especially in the Nuba Mountains regions, for the rebellion led by Yusuf Koh, and by doing what he did, the Nuba became the right hand of the rebel Dr. John Garang in 1983 AD.

Dr. John Garang, who entered the forest after former President Jaafar Numeiri adopted the Sharbaa newspaper,

Garang saw the people of the Nuba Mountains as isolated by the same political equation that had displaced the people of the south since the early days of independence and the formation of the modern Sudanese state. The war that began in 1955 only fueled the situation; the hell of war between the south and the north… sometimes in the name of religion and sometimes through the victory of different ideologies in the conflict. A political climate of two pluralistic governments and two totalitarian ones.

Garang fought fiercely, placing the country at a major historical crossroads… until the National Salvation Revolution broke out, which suffered from the same political complex and the search for a political, ideological and even national identity… which ignited the heat of war. war when the citizen entered as a major party in the fighting… after If the fighting was limited to the military forces

This political, military and military act stopped the development of this state (West Kordofan) and prevented investors from reclaiming fertile lands, plains flowing with fresh water and rocks used as waterfalls to produce electrical energy.

One of the obstacles to political development that has taken on a political character in our country, distancing it from the country of development, is the problem of Abyei, which has been a thorn in the side of the popular movement that the imperialist West had bet on its victory throughout its war years… and what has not been achieved for the movement

Fixing the flags of the Nok Dinka identity on the land of Abyei, located in Western Kordofan, where the Misseriya had hosted them for years of ancient history, the SPLM took refuge before the referendum in South Sudan on the option of unity or secession. The separation thus took place and the Hague Court offered a piece of the Abyei territory to the Nok in exchange for the failure of the committee of experts to determine a location. The Nine Sheikhs of Nok. This introduction and the adoption of the obstacles it summarized… had a major impact on the remote areas of Western Kordofan… The theocratic (religious) government of Al-Bashir made it a stronghold to mobilize and support the war from the south (the Mujahideen). … the People's Defense) because of its geopolitical location and proximity… which caused this. The strategic region is separated from the light and the circle of development and growth and placed in the darkness of darkness and underdevelopment… But the question posed by the document… I will take the city of Al-Meiram as an example because of the assumption that political factors are what I assume to be the most influential on underdevelopment… However, the question posed by the document is: Is the strategically located area of ​​(Al-Meiram) an agricultural commercial area? Why has the center always maintained it as a producer, source and feeder for the markets of Kordofan and the center, without any growth occurring in the region? itself? The answer to this question is at the center of the discussion, including the fact that the group should increase the number of obstacles to development.

As we review the general reasons and justifications imposed by the complex political conditions behind the backward development of Al-Merem region.

And since these policies, characterized by their exclusionary nature and monopolization of privileges, were a Machiavellian pretext to keep certain communities stuck in the swamp of poverty… However, in this part, I will focus on some of the historical factors that played a negative role in the development record of the Al-Merem region and the lack of respect for its human dignity.

I mentioned that the geographical location of Al-Merem is in the extreme southwest of the West Kordofan State and its geopolitical position is adjacent to the Southern State, which borders the eastern periphery of the Darfur States… and its penetration into a narrow tongue extending southwest, extending on average northwest of the Southern State and East Darfur towards Central Africa as an entrance to West Africa. All this posed a major security threat, such that the center would be assassinated from this southwest gateway to the vast region of Sudan.

This situation in the city of Al-Meiram has been the subject of reflection by the theocratic (religious) government of national salvation.

The first blow that the center has delayed in the coffin of the region was the military operations that were welcomed by the people of the region… where the legions and knights of the mujahideen were conquering the cities and the south before the death trains entered and the whistle of General Al-Junaid Hassan Al-Ahmar…

Few years had passed since the militarization of the population of the region until it was more reactive than before and the Popular Defense Brigades were formed.

Where I have repeatedly spoken about a series of obstacles to development, where I mentioned that the situation of the city of Al-Merem is closely linked to geopolitics and that it is a center and a launching pad for the Mujahideen organizing the National Conference for the Government of the National Salvation Revolution… and where I mentioned that the leaders and leaders of the Popular Defense were devoted to the theocratic discourse of the state, to blackmail the feelings of the people of this region. All this is an insurmountable obstacle to the development of the city of Al-Meiram.

It is a systematic and deliberate action aimed at distracting a person from his crucial problems and determining his position on the problems of the nation as a whole.

However, I will introduce one of the most important reasons for Al-Maryam's underdevelopment and its impoverishment policy.

The National Congress, represented by the merchants who monopolized economic privileges, played a negative role in this direction, adopting a policy of impoverishment of the region.

Preserving the cities of Al-Meirem, Al-Harika, Al-Maqdama and Al-Fouda as an agricultural producer, a source of raw materials, a source of food for the markets of the geographic north and a rich resource and tributary to finance Khartoum's war chest, has made the artificers, dinosaurs and war brokers work to keep this empty city “on its thrones and kneeling” on its spits after its honeycombs and honey have been sucked out. This is because the development of Meeram, its opening towards South Sudan and Eastern Darfur, and the penetration of its coastal tongue towards Central Africa… this could make it a commercial center, which would reduce its exports of its raw agricultural and forestry products, which have been monopolized by the parties in order to build and establish neighboring localities in order to extort money from the Meeram. And to feed and lubricate the gears of the war machine with the sweat of the brow of its citizens. For all this and for these reasons, the center followed the policy. to impoverish the Mirm. Perhaps the role of the educated elite of the sons of the Mirm and their notables who were occupied by the organization of the National Congress with the conflict over the Emirate of Feyarien and the deepening of the gap between them on the right and the other. the left.. where the princes are attracted, each isolated from what he injects into the arteries of the other.. Making Al-Mairam a city “due to the conflict of passion and identity, which has reduced its social mobility towards issues that serve the development and reconstruction of the region.. As well as the negative role of the expatriate among the intellectuals of Al-Mairam and his isolation far from any investment that beautifies the face of the city.. And perhaps the third of the Asafi are the sons of Al-Marim in the legislature of Al-Fula during the rescue. Who devoted their parliamentary speech to what served the interests of their parties to the detriment of the votes of the peoples of the region, whose voices were hoarse with poverty.

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