Oh my God, ease the burden of our beloved Kassala ✍️ Dr Amir Al-Katibi

These days, Kassala State is witnessing a wave of cholera and the number of infected people has exceeded 4,278, and this figure is considered a very dangerous figure. The number of cases of displacement is increasing beyond imagination, to the point that the traffic. has almost stopped. It takes about a full hour to move from Riba to the interior of Kassala, which has increased the suffering of the citizens and almost disrupted the lives of the people, which the health authorities have forced the complete closure of the market during the day on Friday to launch. an integrated campaign to sanitize the environment of the market, which was completely non-existent. Everything inside the market has filled with filth and the drains have been blocked because the crowd was preventing the sanitation work and the increase in the number of street vendors. have entered the market to earn their living by all difficult means. Livelihoods and all institutions are working with difficulty to support the displaced, but Kassala State is receiving more than its size, and this serves as a message to the displaced. center and organizations to provide more support and a serious position because the gap is big, and if you knock on the door of the Zakat office, there is almost no support for the people of Kassala due to the crowding of people affected by the war, which prompts the director of the local Zakat office in Kassala to divide. The bag of maize was sold to seven families, and the Zakat office in Kassala State was also established to set up kitchens inside the camps, schools and other shelters for the affected people, but the gap is big. The affected people outside the camps are more than those inside, and this is a real difficult situation. Kassala is the one that is suffering the most from the increase in the number of people in need of food and drink, and the health department and its agents are working with the organizations. In order to overcome the epidemics, day and night, the cases are renewed, and the cholera cases include all the districts of the city of Kassala, as well as the countryside. They have been badly affected by the epidemic because of the situation. lack of culture of caution and prudence among the rural inhabitants, and the locality was completely exhausted and exhausted of its capacities. Even the pumps have stopped supplying the locality with fuel due to the increase in debt, according to the executive. the director, Idris, and I also went to the pumps, and he confirmed to me that this has been done, to stop them, does the center consider Kassala State as an epidemic zone, other than the spread of mosquitoes that have found a suitable environment. for them and reproduce in a frightening way, causing malaria diseases which are now spreading in an annoying way, and in addition a dangerous disease has appeared, which is the third, also fever, high blood platelets?

I also mention the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid in the state, who was suffering from malaria and exhaustion to provide services that satisfied the arrivals in the state. The organizations did not fail, but the magnitude of the tragedy was great. We hope for greater support from the organizations. and the center, with a very special look at the increase in the magnitude of suffering, so that our expatriates who left everything behind and came to be blessed in Kassala State, considering that the state is safer and more secure, thanks to the forces. of our people who have clearly sacrificed and done well to defeat the traitors, thugs and mercenaries who bring joy every morning, a new dawn in the hearts of the citizens with the progress of our forces, and soon we will rejoice with joy, willing God, and also salutes the state police who stay up at night and stay on the streets during the day to protect the security of Kassala, and thanks to the passport department, who left on Saturday, but now works at night, and thanks to all the regular forces of the state, and finally, a special thanks to the local police director of Kassala, who will not only stop crime, but he and his men are today at the Kassala market, leading the cleaning campaign. inside the Kassala market, with brooms in their hands, and finally, greetings behind the scenes (Safe, Jane)

Dr. Amir Al-Ktiabi

Friday, September 20, 2024

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