One of the signs of a failing official… is to seek strength and take refuge in the tribe ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Unfortunately, the tribe has become a Trojan horse that the failing official must ride to gain power, and he uses every moral and immoral means to occupy this position.

For this failed and corrupt official, the end justifies the means. The first and last concern is to achieve his close reconciliation with various means and by various means.

Those who criticize him are his enemies, and he strives to eradicate them and banish them from existence if he is able. Therefore, his determination does not waver and his mind does not rest until he eliminates them, but that is far from the case.

This corrupt and failed official is afraid and terrified of the arrows of criticism from journalists and media professionals and strives to silence them using methods of seduction and intimidation.

When this official is unable to silence these critical voices against His Excellency, he uses the weapons of the tribe, flatters their feelings and presents himself as a victim who must stand by his side and support him. Unfortunately, they respond to him and confront his detractors. knowingly and unknowingly.

(People are targeting me, targeting me, and targeting you too, because I give birth to you, and they want to make me fail. As if I had failed, you will not make a list for yourself.) This is the dominant trend. Unfortunately, this is the current discourse, and those who adopt and promote it are corrupt and failed public officials.

The type of these corrupt and failing officials is the one who controls. They are found everywhere, and they dominate the scene in every aspect. They know neither shame nor modesty.

These corrupt and failed officials are more dangerous than the enemies because they are hidden, working in the dark and destroying the building from the inside. The enemies are a million times more merciful than they are.

We must get rid of these people, whatever the cost, today before tomorrow, so that the body of the nation, afflicted with deep wounds, can mend and work towards healing before it is too late.

I promise you that we will fight to eliminate these corrupt losers who have ruined our lives and brought us to the source of destruction. We are certain of victory over them, even if only for a time, and if tomorrow we will see them soon.

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