Opening of schools in West Kordofan for broader stability ✍️ Hadiya Ali

From the towns of Al-Nahud and Al-Fula Al-Humaira, similar to Khartoum, and from Laqwa, Ghubaysh and Al-Mujallad, I received news this morning which pleased me so much that I felt the blood renews itself in my veins and recovers. from the lethargy and laziness that afflicted me from the excessive amount of depressing news that pollutes the general atmosphere and from the tired routine, that news like that of Fatah reaches you, I have good news that gives hope . to people's lives and breaks the state of isolation and stagnation. It is worth celebrating because it arouses enthusiasm and lifts the morale of our sons and daughters, not only in West Kordofan, but throughout the country. You did well, sir. . Governor, Dr. Essam Haroun, and West Kordofan. As you and the State Security Committee have made this important, important and dangerous decision, I am sure you are very specific, because the war on the ground is over and you must deal with it. Protests and protests take time and people cannot stay in their places. We wait for all traces of the war to remain. Activities must resume and people must live normally. This will only happen with decisive decisions, like your decision to open. schools later. Through experience, the problems caused by war can be solved. We know that the militias have destroyed all educational infrastructure, such as schools and classrooms. Bookstores were burned, water and electricity pipes connected to schools were destroyed and teachers' houses were demolished. However, a courageous step must be taken to restore hope and take the determination to rebuild our country and overcome our wounds for a future in which the spirit of brotherhood and the principles and values ​​of justice predominate, far from division, tribalism and clan.

West Kordofan suffered from the scourge of war and the devastation and devastation that affected the towns, Furqan and villages due to the destruction of everything by the militias which affected even the national wealth represented by the wells of oil. of the Misseriya and the Hamar, except that the hands of the militia reached and destroyed it, but the determination of the loyal patriots of the people of West Kordofan and its men and youth did not fall, while the war raged. They reached their peak and did not give in, and pressures were pouring on them from all sides under very complicated circumstances in the light of the ferocity and ferocity of war and in the heat of the destructive activity of the fifth column of the government of Dr. Issam Haroun. He followed the path with consistent measures, working and striving to stabilize citizens and reassure their souls. To meet their needs, he has made courageous decisions that challenge the government and test its capabilities. your goals and not being afraid of failure here and there. There is no experience that is free from flaws and, like everyone else, from challenges and examinations. We see that opening schools in West Kordofan will normalize life and return citizens to their basic problems and fundamental problems. Concern for the war remains a marginal issue, and we hope that the occasion of the opening of schools will be an opportunity for citizens of the State who still bear arms with the militias to come to their senses, to take advantage of their youth and to enjoy their youth. support opportunities for stability for their families instead of destroying their homes with their own hands, and returning to repeat every morning with their brothers in schools these words dear to our souls: We are soldiers May God protect the nation.

We defy death in times of adversity

We buy glory at the highest price

Son of Sudan, this is your symbol that carries pride and protects your land

My advice to Dr. Essam: don't back down, walk ahead of me. We want to escape the circle of war and enter spaces of recovery.

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