Our Armed Forces: A different day!!! ✍️Dr Omar Kabo


++ There has never been a more difficult and miserable day than yesterday for the foreign Janjaweed militias, and our valiant armed forces made them taste all kinds of torture and waged a fierce and relentless war against them. ..

++ I crushed them in armored vehicles, I besieged them in Al-Zarq, I bombed them in Al-Fasher (Ballantry), I pursued them in Bahri, I recruited them in Sports City, I surprised them in transport and chased them from all their bases. at the University of Sudan and Al-Sahafat, and even at the Al-Tamayoz Journalism Hospital, and they were forced to hide in the houses of innocent citizens in the same cowardly manner, until the special forces arrive and fully fulfill their role towards them. extent…

++ In Sennar there was a new advanced action, where for the first time, “the new equipment” entered the battlefield, where they were torn apart by evil, and in this state, heavy columns “thatchers” joined the legions of the island, who were preparing to declare the island free of filth…

++ This image was decorated by El-Fasher by strengthening his forces with huge and terrible equipment. It began to be fully prepared to receive the locusts of the diaspora, the greedy invaders of the Arabs of the diaspora, mobilized by the Emirates. to overthrow El-Fasher, whose youth refused to be broken and defeated and was victorious thanks to the will of the Sudanese people in the firmness, defiance and steadfastness that glorified the strongest knights, the courageous heroes, the leaders of the epics that will remain. a pride for all generations…

++ It is for this reason that their forces began to withdraw, abandoning their positions and vehicles. Thousands of humiliated people arrived in Nyala in a miserable state, dragging their feet, their lips parched with thirst and their faces almost destroyed by hunger. At Shendi, seven of them (the Thatcherites) have surrendered to the Third Division, and they find themselves in the most shameful state of anxiety, tension, weakness and abandonment, while there there are signs of silent confrontation within the Dagalo family, where some see the need to retreat and surrender in order to preserve the remaining lives of the Mahariyas, which have been claimed by the madness of the perished fools, Hemedti and the fugitive Abdul Rahim injured, and arrangements are made in the Rizeigat tribe to remove his youth. battlefields lost by the most appropriate, correct and judicious approach, whatever its social feasibility…

++ This alone explains the statements of the army leadership ((Burhan, Al-Kabbashi and Al-Atta)), their agreement that the end of the war is approaching and their complete confirmation of Commander Al-'s three no's. Burhan ((no negotiation, no peace, no ceasefire)) only ((but only))…

++ This is the only thing that explains why the political street, which expresses the aspirations of the Sudanese people, rejected the slogan ((No to war)) launched by the State of the United Arab Emirates in a serious attempt to save its Janjaweed militias, who are living in the misery of a terrible defeat…

++ There is not a single sane person who wants war, but at the same time, there is not a single sane person who would agree to stop the war if it would bring back the Janjaweed militia that leads it, strengthening his weakened support to attack him. again and discarding the remaining crumbs.

++ It is fortunate that all our regular forces had intelligent leaders who realized that the Sudanese people had made all these great sacrifices, had been patient with their army and had endured all these miserable conditions in order to eliminate the criminal militias. ..

++ It became clear to her that any attempt to come closer, sit down, submit or come to terms with the criminal militia or its political incubator, a drought that eclipses ((God honor the listeners)) will be priced by popular anger. revolution that will eliminate all those who participated in or planned to reconcile with these shameful and treacherous bastards, slaves of Zayed's children….

++ Thank you to our armed forces who daily teach a new lesson on the meaning of victory…

++ And thank you to the armored heroes who proved to be a model of epicness and firmness….

++ And thank you to the courageous inhabitants of El Fasher who confirmed that the Sultan's Castle is too bold for its pride to be sullied by the Arabs of the diaspora who are hired slaves for Zayed's children…

++ Army, O ((Makana))…

++Be careful, Jinn…

++ Nashama ((O resistance))…

*Omar Capo*

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