Our blood…taxes written on us ✍️ Muhammad Qur Hamed
Perhaps many here have noticed this title inspired by a book by Professor Ahmed Suleiman the lawyer… his book… (And we followed in my footsteps, it was written about us)… It was about forty years ago during the third democracy in the mid-80s… when the shelves of the Sudanese commercial library were filled with the works of left-wing people who are trying to… revive from the ashes of nothingness the embers of knowledge and learning.
Likewise, the right wing people continue to stop writing on their faces and their south, the sparks of Michel Aflaq and Marx where the communists and the Baathists were active, and the activists of that period and the short era dominated their writings by placing them. like necklaces on the necks of a new generation that drinks and embraces the paths of knowledge to follow a path between the two paths of sectarian parties, straight and not ideologically twisted … to draw a map For a state and a country. government in which they believe that the role of the army is to protect the constitution and defend its borders and its people. However, both the right and the left wing people are civilians who still hold the army on the coffin. of their democracies, which are still built on foundations and ideas. The land of Sudan was not fertile for its growth because of its unimproved seeds… where the civil and political powers were annihilated and did not believe in their teachings and values… where. they continued to carry the allies of the parties… to carry the pluralistic systems and the military to the palace…
This happened under three pluralistic and inclusive governments.
Perhaps the first sin that we suffered while carrying the coffin of our power and paying our governments the tax of our blood is the certificate of our death that was issued by the Islamists while they were paying the army, its units, its wings, its popular defense, and its mujahideen during the theocratic government of salvation… a war in the name of religion… so whoever died without knowing it, and whoever lived without knowing it, then the regime copies and forgets and will not come to maintain the facts.
Paying another tax when South Sudan seceded and took South Abyei with all its flesh and blood…to throw a bone to North Abyei, which is still surrounded by vultures and they can't cover it with flesh.
It did not take long for the tension of the military entities to descend on the people for a sovereign council with a tribal eye … until the flood of 2023 came, which destroyed all those sacrifices and bills that he called cheap because they did not matter. become aware of the problem of Sudan, which one party considers to be lying in the ruins and ruins of the 56th state, while the other was fortunate to appropriate the testimony of examining the heritage of Sudan by air, sea and land.
We have become like the people of Tabi' and those before them… so God Almighty has guided us through the years.