Our celebrations…..our sorrows….✍️ Dr Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeir

Our political parties have started to be ashamed even of their old names, which remind them of their dishonorable past and the crimes, slavery, illiteracy and backwardness they committed against the Sudanese people, as well as the destruction of the democracy during the Umma party coup. by surrendering and handing over to General Abboud… and the Nimeiry coup which was implemented by the Communist Party and the Bashir coup which was implemented by the Islamic Front. ..

All these parties, with their new name… were shameless and advanced, and by origin or by proxy they gathered together, including those who were dead, suffocated, knocked down, and those eaten by the seven… They gathered in Addis Ababa, the capital of evil, which denied all the beauty of the Sudanese people and did not respect the sanctity of the neighborhood, to continue the series of their conspiracy and betrayal against their country, their people and their people… and they do it under the illusion that the memory of the Sudanese people is weak enough to forget their shame and their crimes against their old and new rights…

The Sudanese people came out with all their strength and overthrew Bashir's regime, so these parties stole the revolution and destroyed it as they did with democracy, and so that we do not forget their crimes, we will review some of them, but not limited to them. for them….


Lest we forget that during this corrupt era of Inqaz, and when the honorable Islamic Mujahideen were facing the invasion of Sudan by the Crusaders led by John Garang, who declared that he would drink cheese In the end, the parties that the book was about The Corruption of the Inqaz celebrated the victories of John Garang, and the top of the mountain of celebrations was the statement that the man delivered by the second member of the Umma Party, Omar Nour Al- Daim, when they told him that the Gekou had fallen. , he said: Don't fall, Berlin has fallen.

Lest we forget that when the Salvation Army was practicing all kinds of financial, administrative and political corruption, all parties claiming integrity and patriotism came forward and participated.

All are individuals, parties or through their representatives.

The corrupt rescue in his corrupt reign of ministry to… Forgiveness…..

He even obtained voting authorization in the techniques of this participation in the rescue, and you find the father leader of the party openly opposed and secretly participating… the father is an opponent and the son is a deputy president at the Republican Palace.

The uncle is a leader in the Salvation Army and the sister's son is an opponent who is asking him for a bribe or a position in the Salvation Army. The party's brother is an aide to Bashir and his brother is the leader of an opposition. party that stands in the queue of parties waiting in line waiting for their share of the Salvation bribes that they used to buy the debts and positions of the traitors and agents of these parties.

Lest we forget that when all the honorable people of Sudan came forward in the glorious December revolution to overthrow the corrupt bailout, many of these parties continued to bite their teeth to continue suckling the breast of the corrupt rescue when it was difficult for them to do so. wean them and they were not ready to jump from the sinking rescue ship until it sank as he did Maulana Al-Mirghani and his party and the wings of the Umma party like Masar and Nahar and the rest of the bad guys…

Lest we forget that the Sudanese people, after the fall of the Salvation Army, handed over all civil power to the Qaht parties on a silver platter and formed their government under the leadership of Abdullah Hamdok, that the people Sudanese considered him a savior. His government spent almost three years, which was enough to prosecute all the symbols of the Salvation Party for their financial, political and administrative crimes and to at least lay the first stones to resolve Sudan's economic and political problems. , but oh, whoever gave. birth of a mountain from the government of Hamdok and did not even give birth to a mouse, so… that is, the government of Hamdok… leads the corrupt people to save, nor does it address the economic problem, Hamdok admitted. justifying his failure, that the parties… In his government, no economic program was given to him. What is rather sad and what the Sudanese people cannot forget is the failure of Hamdok's government and his parties, which he gave in to. the presidency of the Economic Committee to Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo Hemedti, although everyone knows, voluntarily, choosing and with all their moral powers, that Hemedti is the largest and most dangerous remnant of the corrupt remnants of the rescue. He's the one that Al. -Bashir called Hemiti. It was he who killed the revolutionaries in the crime of dispersing the sit-in. He is Sudan's biggest and most dangerous gold thief through his businesses. He admitted it in an interview he had. Hemedti… with BBC Sudanese channel Zainab Badawi when asked… General, you are a soldier and you have a huge fortune. Where did you get the money from? He replied: “I am like any other Sudanese. which has wells to explore for gold.

And so that we do not forget that the Hamdok government and its parties, for the good of its people, ignored and abandoned the trial of saving the corrupt led by one of the greatest symbols of corruption, Hemedti. Indeed, many of its ministers and members. of these parties started joining forces and following the footsteps of rescue by practicing corruption to the extent that the stench of their corruption was exposed and reports were opened against them. It still haunts them… and when the corruption of these parties and. their unintelligent partnerships with the corrupt symbols of bailout became evident, the Sudanese people learned of Hamdok's government's reasons for not acting or its lack of enthusiasm to pursue corrupt bailouts, and the spokesperson for that government was summed up by the English proverb, scratch my come back and I will scratch yours, that is us and you, oh The people of salvation in corruption and theft are both the fault of the late Sudanese people.. .

So that we do not forget the mother of the major parties of the Hamdok government, who stole the revolution and continues to trade in the blood of her martyrs, her old mistakes returned to her, and after her failure to achieve the goals of the month of December revolution, he began to quarrel among himself, to compete for seats, to throw himself into the arms of foreigners and to practice the dirtiest types of work and subsistence, and while they were like this, their puppet and corrupt government, Lieutenant General Al-Burhan, while they slept and lost power, they slapped their cheeks and tore their pockets, and their groans grew louder because of the power that had escaped from their hands , while they were completely unaware of it. straw, while they looked for it in vain, and they would not find it, even if the camel entered the tailor's mouth… .

So that we do not forget… The parties of Hamdok's government practiced the worst forms of Machiavellianism by seeking to reconquer the popular authority that they had stolen overnight, and the slogan of democracy, which they lacked even within their family parties, The tribal and religious composition did not prevent them from allying themselves with the greatest killer, thief and author of the greatest atrocities in the world. The right of the Sudanese people is a rapid support, the righteous son of corrupt rescue, across the world. frame game, that they gave the Sudanese people a choice between accepting it or the war they started, and they fled to the capitals of evil to continue their work and livelihood, until that they recently landed in their conference in support of their rapidly supporting ally, held in Addis Ababa.

So that they are genuine partners in all these crimes, and they and all those who have committed crimes against the Sudanese people since independence until today, God willing, will be held accountable. This will change their judgment and punishment with the mighty avenger…….

Dr Abbas Taha Hamza

University of Khartoum

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