Our (national) organizations and (Japanese) experience – Race in Politics – ✍️ Al-Tarifi Abu Naba

The day before, I found a message sent specially from a close friend with whom we often discuss concerns in our lives. The article was titled (Matter Has No Magic) and talked about Japanese society and how it coped with the earthquake disaster that followed. occurred in 2011, its impact on the Fukushima nuclear power plant and the displacement, deaths and tragedies that the earthquake left behind. The similarity of what we are experiencing today, and despite the calamities, the writer reviewed how Japan got rid of its situation. sorrows and recover more quickly, restoring the balance of the country and drawing different images of Japanese society which make it dominant and resistant to any danger, whether environmental or caused by man…

Through this distinguished article, the author concluded that the crisis does not come from disasters, wars and their vestiges, but rather from a crisis (of morality and knowledge) which, if overcome, all disasters disappear, but rather benefit from them.

If we relate this to our reality, we see the benefits of war, which are reflected in the large number of national organizations that seek to serve humanity, and of course there are others that seek their own interests , but above all now a certain number of organizations have become agents of the government, supporting it in various ways in its work in favor of society, without having any other objective than that of the preservation of our society, its development, by easing the burden on citizens and trying to erase the effects of war. morality and knowledge, which constituted a crisis for the whole world as much as the crisis of wars and disasters….

The Ahl al-Khair organization, which has expanded to include but not limited to important work in the fields of education, health and environmental sanitation, now supports, with constant efforts, the state government and dominates the field of voluntary work, which was demonstrated in its preservation of environmental cleanliness during Eid… an organization that is self-sufficient and exploits the connections of its young people affiliated with it to serve a society that has become (Ahl al-Khair). ..And let us also not forget the Food and Development Organization, which has expressed its ideas and efforts to place itself at the threshold of the international community. She takes care of productive families and works to save a sector capable of saving an entire country. .. Tomorrow we will talk in detail about both organizations. There is no doubt that these organizations are led by media colleagues and experienced people who have thought and understanding of the facts and the outcome of the situation. …

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