Our parties, the leaders and the bullshit – Mawazanat – Al-Tayeb Al-Makabrabi

It is a bad omen for the Sudanese people, and in flagrant violation of the nature of human beings, especially those who lead societies and govern the people, that this country, Sudan, is afflicted and in such circumstances that it is going through and is and the pain that every Sudanese individual suffers, with politicians whose standards fluctuate completely, and the leaders, opinion makers and those entrusted to them become or bear the burden of They themselves are the burden and the pain of leading the people to achieve the state's goals of security, peace and prosperity are only tails to lead, and not heads to lead, as was the case for the ancients…

The leaders and leaders of the parties, as well as those through whom the independence of Sudan was achieved and subsequently governed, were until recently the example of patriotism, loyalty to the homeland and loyalty to its citizens, devoid of any affiliation, even to the party, and only concerned with the issue of the homeland and the people above all…

We did not live with those who spent their last days in the prisons of Numeiri, may God have mercy on them, but we read and heard about them and their positions, which made them a source of pride and a place of respect even among foreign politicians…

We lived and worked in a time when the opponents were like the late Sayyid Ahmad al-Hussein, the late Ali Mahmoud Hassanein, the late Omar Nour al-Daim, the late Muhammad Ibrahim Naqd and the late Philip Abbas Ghabboush, all of whom were party leaders who tasted what they tasted and had terrible visions, but they did not disbelieve in their homeland, their patriotism or their affiliation with this people, nor did they seek to harm them or harm them. He will be punished like the garbage who managed to lead these parties, which is what they are doing now.

They were the most famous of these people and had the most influential words in the world. They were the ones who made demands that would be quickly answered if they sought to punish and harm their country as these people do, this is the patriotic education and love of the homeland in which they were raised, and these sinners never drank from its cup.

I don't know how a person can be a politician, and one of his agendas is to rule the people, while he seeks to harm them, harm their army and punish everyone in order to overthrow the one who currently rules, so that the reins of affairs will return to him?

How will these people dare one day raise their eyes and heads in front of a small or large audience to ask for a mandate to lead the country?

Do these stupid people think that these people are so forgetful and stupid that they can deceive them into taking such shameful positions and then justify that they did it for their own benefit?

What he tasted and experienced and what the Sudanese people as a whole are experiencing, without exception, is something that will remain etched in the memory of those who remain alive. We do not think that it will allow the return of much of what was the case before the war. Neither the parties that existed and have continued to this day under the leadership of these invalids will govern again, nor the coexistence that would have returned. and the people, and it will continue as before.

There will be a major turmoil and shock after all we have seen. Whoever will rule will be someone who has nothing to do with all the current imaginary actors and whoever will rule then will rule a country that will not necessarily be what is left of the Greater Sudan but will rule a country made up of people who have agreed to be united without rancor or grudges and who have no intention of… Returning to wars and fighting..

He who will govern will govern with a constitution in which all rights and duties are determined and agreed upon and everyone is judged by it at all times…

May God help everyone

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