Our Sudanese Armed Forces, we sealed them with the seal of patriotism and moved on, then we broke the pen ✍️ Mawahib Baqadi

Days pass, events change, and the Sudanese soldier remains a symbol of pride and patriotism. He remains the same as the mountains, and nothing moves him except your love, my country, whose lands have been conquered and whose valleys have become sweet and whose fruits have been conquered. blessed.

I swear. Oath to protect. Earth and goodness. This country.

And the language of their condition. He says.

We will not give our land if misfortune overwhelms us

And we don't get carried away. If we divide it into two halves

We are the army, we are not two

And we have the right to take it. His men. Red eyes

God bless you, our Sudanese Armed Forces. We sealed it with the seal of patriotism and moved on, then we broke the pen. I wish I could say that poetry is a testimony to you, give you heart and spend your energy. time admiring it, oh our Sudanese Army.

This is my signature – – – – persimmon lover

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