Overcoming Cruel Support – Whale's Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*How can the brutal support militias defeat the armed forces when they are violating a divine rule sent from the seven heavens (Do not enter houses other than your own?) You have entered with strength and power into people's homes, you destroyed their homes, you looted them, robbed, killed and raped free women by force of arms. Without the weapons you carry, you would not have committed these acts, not the weapons you carry, since you knew how to enter people's homes, unless you did. guards or servants. Therefore, you will be defeated in any field and in any battle, and you will never be victorious as long as your fighting doctrine is hatred against the citizen, theft of his property, violation of his honor and the desecration of his honor, especially after these thugs became a militia, these desperate supporters are like stray dogs seeking a refuge to shelter them and protect them from the wrath of the Sudanese armed forces and other regular forces*.

*How can brutal support militias defeat the armed forces when they are leaderless? No force in the world will win whose leaders disappear during the course of battle after the death of their commander, the flight of a second commander, and the disappearance of Othman Operations from the scene. The militia has become like (the sterile and modern Amo). If the vanishing Sheria leads them, they rejoice, applaud and grow even if they were led by Al-Hambati Kikel. successor on earth. If a dog led them and claimed to be from Hemedti, they would follow it without direction. Thus, the harsh support militia would have emerged from the war taking place in Sudan without achieving victory. the dead, the wounded, the captives and others wandering face down. They are looking for a way to return to their exiles from whence they came, and escaping from the grip of the armed forces will do them no good and defeats will befall them. wherever they turn, they will leave people's homes by force and power, and your stay in these usurped and violated homes will not last long.

*The brutal support militia will not defeat the Sudanese armed forces after they lost their stated goal of waging war, which was to stop Burhan and work for the return of democracy and fight radical Islam, knowing that the concept of radicalism is the distance that separates it. and the deceased militia leader, Hemedti, like the distance between heaven and earth, because the militia leader His understanding of life or even his academic level has not gone beyond (my chicken catches love and runs happy) at its highest level, and the stage (I have a little cat that I named Samira) at the minimum university level. Therefore, an ignorant leader like Hemedti cannot triumph over the armed forces, whose heroes are expelled from the ranks of the lion's den academy, of the Sudanese army. Ignorance will never conquer knowledge, and victory will come to the Sudanese Armed Forces, with the will and power of God. The militia is wrong and lies will never prevail*.

*The SDF will not achieve victory over the Sudanese armed forces and turns its back on the army in any battle, the latest being the one that occurred in the axis of Halfaya, Kadru, El Fasher, Jabal Muya and North Kordofan. They have no choice but to (consolidate) and surrender after the signs of the defeat of the SDF militias on all axes become evident. The cursed bin Zayed's money has become a burden for them, and bin Zayed's supply will not last long. It can be said that the situation of the brutal support militia has become similar to the condition of fish living in a fish pond, and the process of draining water from the pond has ended, and death remains the result inevitable. and the remaining militia bastards must surrender or die.

Half a fork

*The war of dignity will not last long as long as the Sudanese armed forces march from victory to victory and the militias retreat from defeat to defeat, and victory and victory remain the ally of the army, with the will and the strength of God.*

A quarter of a fork

*The defeat of brutal support has become a matter of time, if you knew that*.

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