Palm Shield Forces Display Their Strength in Al-Qarir

Major General Al-Bathani saw what remains of the enemy

The Palm Shield Forces Strategic Battalion carried out this afternoon (Thursday) a military column in the Al-Qarir area, in the locality of Marawi, in the northern state, to show its strength.

Major General Yasser Al-Siddiq Al-Amin Al-Bathani confirmed the completion of preparations of the 2nd Palm Shield Force from Mustafarni areas of Mururi localities to support the armed forces.

In his speech at the parade of force, he pledged to Qarir Mustafar Mustafa to eliminate the rebellion and the rest of the “chafshafa” and submit the report to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Qarir Sector Representative Major General Maash Hisham Muhammad Fadl Al-Mawla said that the Palm Shield forces will be the protective shield that will descend in cold and peace on the north of the country.

In turn, the acting executive director of the locality of Marawi, Hassan Hussein, confirmed that the callers of the Palm Shield Forces are a legitimate source of the armed forces and a support and backing for them on the battlefield.

Moreover, the General Superintendent of Al-Shayqiya, Othman Sidahmad, considered the Palm Shield Forces as a practical proof of the unity of the social fabric between all components of the northern society under the banner of the armed forces for the defense of the land, honor, and religion.

He said the North was sleeping safe and secure thanks to the support of the Palm Shield forces to the army in the Karama battle.

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