Panorama (2) – Analyze information on the final battle of El Fasher, measure attack patterns and reveal trends in enemy intentions across different theaters of operations in Sudan ✍️ Brigadier General Ibrahim Aqil Madibo

(We continue)..

*8/* Newspapers related to the military scene need to be reorganized, which is a major determining factor in the “army” approach to handling the next phase of the War of Dignity to reconquer the cities of Darfur, which means that the Army is working towards further escalation on all fronts working simultaneously from Al-Jazeera and Khartoum States *In order to achieve a set of internal objectives as follows:*.

*A-* Weaken the spread of the militia in the central regions of the country, ensuring that the scenario of disintegration and destruction of the military militia structure is accelerated and the armed forces prepare for search operations, most important inspection, cleaning and raking tasks. operations which are carried out after each operation to defeat the enemy, which is known militarily as the pursuit of the “fleeing enemy” which is a “column”. Known for ensuring the elimination of collapsed militia forces that fled to Butana country and some remote areas. in Nile State, after their defeat and expulsion from the capital, Al-Jazeera State, and Hajar Al-Asal, in the south of Nile State.

*B-* That the army seeks to develop and use the qualitative operations that have been carried out in order to promote the idea of ​​”achieving decisive victory” in all theaters and to build internal legitimacy for the continuation of military operations .

*C-* That there be a diligent effort during the prosecution of the war to overthrow all tendencies hostile to the army and loyal to the militia – such as the “Taqaddum” group – and activate the security and punitive system, control national media discourse and combat rumors. Certain information and facts in the light of the battles must be presented in a way that does not cause confusion, panic and panic in the hearts of citizens, taking into account not to overcome trust or break factors . determination and firmness and lead to undesirable results. There is in some places a type of information that is not a correct choice to be news that circulates spontaneously and naively, and its publication may require verification, verification and acceptance of the opinion of the *The period The future will see more activism in the face of the fifth column and collaborators infiltrating neighborhoods, neighborhoods and cities*, all of whom are working on specific paths through psychological warfare, with the ultimate goal of creating a rift in unity . and the cohesion of the armed forces, turning the people against their army and calling for an end to the war in a way that resembles capitulation, despite the army and the people being in the middle of an existential battle and d 'a war which demands unity, popular unity. the cohesion and strength of the national domestic front. It is known that psychological media warfare carried out through electronic media is considered one of the most dangerous types of wars because it aims to influence people's opinions and behaviors, change points of view and direct people. the desired objective of the enemy, and therefore one of the main reasons for the continuation of this war, in addition to the UAE's continued logistical support and human supply of mercenaries. several neighboring countries, it is the presence of those who embrace, contain and guide the enemy.

*9/* According to field data, the coming period will see the continuation of the supply of militias via Cameroon, Douala, towards Central Africa, Bangui, and entry into Sudan by land via Umm Dafouk, in addition to the use of *some of the airports and dirt airstrips in Darfur, North and South Kordofan* as a rapid supply line, and munitions have recently been introduced. , combat vehicles, an air defense system and M/T missiles, the latter intended to neutralize aviation. of our strength. *This confirms their intention to overthrow El Fasher and protect the airports that will be used to supply their forces* The war against Sudan is now being fought in the open, and the countries supporting it will work directly and exploit the decline. of war, autumn and drought of the terrain to open airports and airstrips and send military experts with the aim of controlling El Fasher and realizing the Libyan scenario. To defeat this scenario and cut off logistical support, it is necessary to *identify all airports and airstrips. and strips of land which the militia may use for its supply or form part of vital supply lines or supply bases rapidly attacking militia forces*, which, by their nature, location, purpose or use, provide an effective contribution to military action, *and of which the whole. or partial destruction provides a specific military advantage* (API Art. 52, Rule 8 of the ICRC Study on International Customs of Humanitarian Law) and should be selected as new targets to add to the aeronautical target bank and priorities in implementation.

*10/* Recommendations:

*A-* Develop an urgent air supply plan that adapts to the new variables of the Battle of El Fasher.

*B-* Rapid preparation for a good defense, by equipping and improving defense trenches on the axes towards which the attack had previously taken place, opening new defenses and forward alert points in unexpected places and by blocking the enemy's avenues of approach by laying booby-trapped mines, traps, and all kinds of obstacles and piles, especially on the outskirts and on government roads.

*C-* Activate active defense tactics, conduct infiltration operations and night raids on nearby enemy concentration sites, and conduct operations behind enemy lines if they advance.

*D-* Exploit sniper abilities and focus on sniper commanders, crews, and vehicle drivers.

*E-* Push the selected forces of the “Karjikula” and “Fakka” movements and forces, if they are present inside El Fasher, and they have the task of opening towards the mountain and Zalingei, thanks to their knowledge. of the nature of the region, and carry out hostile actions and set up ambushes. It is also possible to benefit from *the idea of ​​mobile forces with intense firepower*.

*And-* Gather part of the forces of the movements present in the center and in Khartoum and reinforce them with balanced forces of the army to form a strike combat force and provide it with all combat aid and humanitarian needs of El Fasher, and move towards Al-Dabbah and from there to El Fasher to reinforce the existing forces, replace the losses of the forces and boost morale *with a view to implementing massive and daring attack operations and d prevent the enemy from controlling the Al-Sayyah area and the strategic Madu mountains. *, thus allowing our forces to complete the securing of El-Fasher and prepare for the battle to retake the towns of Darfur.

*G-* Establish an urgent plan to strengthen air defense and air force capabilities, and * monitor the airspace of Darfur, North and South Kordofan * in the context of current war tactics, putting the A focus on strike rallies and assembly points, bases and supply routes to end the rebellion and break the backbone of the militia.

*H-* Reflect on the development of coordination and cooperation frameworks between armed movements according to an agreed strategic plan and roadmap to unify them under the historical leadership of their popular forces and bases with a view to completing the process of integration into the Sudanese armed forces. .

*i-* Implement El Fasher's community model of popular resistance in all states to defend their areas and put pressure on agents and traitors who try to disrupt and neutralize their communities by inciting them not to resist to the Janjaweed militias or to confront the media campaigns of Taqadum employees.

*i-* Launch simultaneous ground offensive operations in Khartoum and Bahri, achieve communication and cohesion, open protected transport lines between military camps, liberate large areas of Khartoum, Bahri and Al-Jazeera, reduce the areas on which the militias move, putting pressure on him on all fronts, pushing him to flee and withdraw, and pursuing the fleeing elements wherever they withdraw and that the Karari forces, particularly the sector west of Omdurman, open to the west and south to clear the Ras al-Shaitan area. in Karur, Kandahar, Al-Futimab, the Al-Kunan camp, as well as the straw market and the neighborhoods east of it, and to coordinate with the engineering command and its forces in the western sector, the region of Tarumba Hamad Al-Nile, and thus the situation will become suitable for the engineers to advance towards the south of Al-Futaihab and Al-Salha and control with fire the areas of crushers, electricity and the new airport, as well as the western passage of Mount Awliya.

*J-* Activate emergency law in all states, enact new laws and ordinances to keep pace with the changes, and form higher courts for each state to handle all crimes of high treason, facility sabotage of the State and destruction of the national economy.

*K-* Unify the national media language instead of competing and be proactive in journalism, especially regarding the news of the Battle of Karama, in which self-censorship must be applied subject to legal liability.

*L-* Take communications security measures to protect and not reveal army movements and trajectories of infantry forces tasked with attacking enemy positions inside and outside Khartoum , and cut off Internet and phone calls during active operations. .

*M-* Work to complete tactical control of the different theaters of operations and force the militia to modify its options, its priorities, its pattern of operations and to change its location, while continuing to put pressure on it to force it to flee and withdraw from its current location. locations and positions.

*N-* Usher in a new phase in which neutralization operations and selective strikes end and operations in support of popular resistance and open ground warfare operations begin, and seek to combine the model of “specific targeted operations” as well as continuing the model of special operations throughout the general combat theater and establishing a new mode of warfare that accelerates the process of ending the rebellion and achieving *victory of the will of the Sudanese people.*

Dean M/Ibrahim Aqeel Madibo

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