Peace be upon you…the great ends ✍️ Al-Shafi' Ahmed Omar writes

The intrigues and their scope were progressing in different forms and at an accelerated pace… and the evidence and stories were revealing their daily details… beyond the limits of logic and reason. And this is usual… and signs of astonishment are drawn on all the roads and in all the residential stations… throughout the country, in the cities, the countryside and the remote areas… and the perplexing places of questions… were jumping in the minds of all the people… whenever they saw the movement of convoys or military groups bearing this well-known description and direction… You see it invading the cities, making hearts fly. and the tormented souls… Then the whispers of the cities returned, loud and verbal, which does not accept interpretation, and the only explanation began to be that the war was knocking violently at the doors… even without permission or consideration… and in the early hours of the night of April 15… the discussions had come to an end… and the desolate spirits had become intoxicated with the ecstasy of the expected joy… and the names had been dot and. printed in black (for a group) that it was hoped that he would be the main political actor and the main controller of the country's affairs… all (all) He is described (in place) of his new seat in the new ministry.. .of the time of the new Sudan… and it was the coup (planned) by the countries of the surrounding region… and now they hate to bring his biography… they are all (followed) new in the circle of modern treason… and the shame of the scandalous practice… a practice that they invented… as a continuation of empty slogans bearing broad (titles) for the designated time… which are… (putting an end to state control 56)… and (protecting the rights of the marginalized) and (destroying the control of the Nile flow on the reins of government and power. … false and lying slogans… but these are the dreamy wishes of sitting on the chair of the old building facing the great river… and everyone forget that he who governs the people in rule and in kingdom… no mandate will come to him except from the seven heavens, even if the equipment (is) abundant… and a torrent of illegal money has poured out… and the minds have been lost behind the euphoria and (the pleasure) of a failed victory…

And we entered directly into the depths of the historical impasse (like the riser and the elevator) … and (the war) came with all its devastations, misfortunes and painful pains .. and (weighed) the palm of the homeland with the struggles for survival, and (he) (he) (shouldered) the burden of worry and difficulties of the arrival of the unknown … and the country entered the furnace of devastation and destruction … and Khartoum (burned) with all. its heritage, its legacy and its long history … security disappeared in El Geneina and Nyala … and the beacons of Darfur and its friendly cities disappeared. Madani, the metropolis of the entire community, fell in love (with singers) and inspired (poets) … and writers, and I followed her. Sinja, Dinder and (Mount Muya) … the legendary mountain … the cradle of civilization. The place (of meeting) of (men) for the establishment of the modern civil state and the establishment of the Sultanate, symbol and glory. And (the proud and authentic emancipation) of the Kingdom of Sennar…

And the (first) desire has come true… for those who carried the tablet (pen) and the book… and the hands of the hateful militias have been made vain. With the body of the mourning nation… and the (rings) (prepared) to attack the nation of great pride have been completed.

Despite the long struggle, the strength of (our army and forces) was not broken, and behind them were the rest of the fighters… and they conquered (Khawalid) with great sacrifices… and courage that defeated the militia. And (he deposited) his leaders in the depths of the depths and the unknowns of oblivion… and the qualitative and thoughtful counteraction began… but all the more important as it rose for the homeland and won the victory of the patient soldiers. .. (the conspirators) bit their finger with regret and remorse… and they rushed to the (strategic) stations… to wait… until they (form) a new balance of power… and build (truces). ) whose content and purpose are malicious… so that they can invest more time, support and renewal of life in it… and inflict a psychological defeat on the leaders of the army and the state… this will be their business throughout… human history… they embellish the letters of peace… an air that they accompany. There are the vicissitudes of the battlefield and the battle… but here we stop… and here we must study history well. And we read in its neighboring pages. And we meditate. The “Naksa” war of 67… when the “Arab army” was destroyed in just six days… in Egypt, Syria and Jordan… and the Zionists entered… in new countries and places… and in the midst of Arab despair… “messy hands” interfered in the fate of nations and their peoples… And the Security Council announced at that time, after being certain that the Israeli army had crossed the border to the West. channel… in fact… and immediately on the sixth day of the war, the Council issued a binding resolution to end the war between the parties once and for all… and the great trap (to the mother of the world) was unleashed and lost. The entire war was waged against the Arabs… and the imbalances of power still controlled the equations of the Arab and Israeli conflict… and the same dirty hands reached out to ravage the body of the Arab nation. In Western Sahara. And the Polosario Front… and the Amazighs, as well as Yemen, Syria and Iraq…

This is a reflection… and a wickedness coming from the same (level) and (destination)… to make the militia… a political and military party that is treated in the same way as the regular army. It is present in the Sudanese reality, despite all the “atrocities” committed by the militias… because it is (what is meant by) the group that claims to be the invincible army… which requires caution… and considering… they only renew the (dates) of the act… They follow the same approach…

The peace that we (hope for), Mr. Burhan, is a peace that transcends even the emotions of those (disabled) (disfigured) people who beg on the roads of the countries of the world without (an iota of) modesty on their faces… so that the speech addressed to them is clear (features) and frank in its expression and language. That you have no role (at all) in internal public affairs until people say their word: He has forgiven you or inflicted a punishment on you. you erase the punishment…

The peace we seek, Mr. Leader, is a peace that will bring back the smiles to the people of Darfur. And (return) the comfort of Khartoum. Sanja and her relatives return to “swim” in the roaring blue… and are not even afraid of the current (of drowning)… Peace grants the inhabitants of the Green Island (Ma'un) sufficient (compensation)… with assurance and tranquility. And to (recover) the land that was filled with blood, tears and torments of rupture… it will become green again as it was, and it will itself be white (the blouses) of its cotton and the white (milk) of its camels.

The peace we hope for, Mr. Leader, is a cherished peace that fills us with pride, dignity and nobility… without compromise, without gain or contempt. We have nothing left to lose. After the humiliation of war and the oppression of our honorable people… the cold voices that are now rising and calling to say (no) to war and brandishing stupid slogans are the same voices that have long been (singing) and murmuring (of love) for the militia and have continued… in blatant madness, obscuring the facts and distorting positions…

The peace we ask for is that this (militia) be removed from the lives and memories of the people. And that it should have no role in the future of this world… and that our national institutions should be freed from the (obsessions) of the devils (of color) who have multiple goals, interests and facets… and the (cartel) of corruption and (brothels) of suspicion and misguidance… so that the nation can reap its goals and interests. The Great Bridge will prevail according to an integrated national project that holds national unity as a beacon and. a guidance…

The peace we need is a peace that makes the people with their revolutionary resistance. A right hand and a fighter in the heart of the great battle. He carries a weapon and does not care about the platforms of the whole world and what they say. He has a firm opinion and what he says. And his eyes are fixed on the sky of glory, not shaken by a coward, nor terrified by the threats of the end of time.

The peace we hope for is a peace that documents the war and its aftermath and creates a complete archive of it so that future generations can study and learn how this nation sacrificed and earned its honor without fail, and so that our current literature remains a foundation for their future cultural projects of pride and belonging. This is peace. Endings The Great… A peace that will bring peace and blessings to our nation and our people… There will be no diminution of rights, no offerings for one group. … and no retreat from the clear path of our history…

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