Peace: The pillar of progress and human progress ✍️ Taha Haroun Hamed

Peace is considered one of the most important human values ​​that contribute to the stability and prosperity of societies. It is not simply an absence of violence, armed conflicts and verbal exchanges here and there, but rather an overall state of internal and external balance that allows a person to live in harmony with themselves. – yourself and with others. In the Holy Quran, peace is mentioned as one of the most beautiful names of God, and it is “peace” which expresses tranquility and the absence of evil and evil. Peace is not just the absence of wars and conflicts, but rather a virtue that nations and people seek by promoting dialogue, understanding and tolerance between individuals and groups.

Peace as a spiritual and social concept

Peace covers multiple aspects that go beyond the narrow sense of the absence of war. A deeper understanding of peace reflects a state of psychological and spiritual stability, in which the individual feels internally reassured, which positively reflects on his relationships with others. It is an environment of love and brotherhood where understanding prevails between people and high human values ​​replace conflicts and discord. This peace comes from within the person himself. The more a person is at peace within themselves, the more they can transmit this peace to those around them.

On the other hand, peace also reflects the ability of societies to accept others who differ in thought, race, religion, gender and color. Peace does not mean imposing a point of view or a certain way of life, but rather a way of life. encouragement of diversity, difference and mutual respect between all individuals. Peace therefore becomes the basis for sustainable human development based on justice, equality and respect.

Peace and sustainable development

One of the most important dimensions of peace is its vital role in achieving development, sustainability and human progress. No society can achieve real progress in light of ongoing conflicts, quarrels and wars. Conflicts lead to the destruction of resources, create a state of tension, deteriorate infrastructure, spread poverty and unemployment, as well as disturbing discourses such as hate speech and other things. On the other hand, peace constitutes a fundamental basis for building societies in a sustainable manner. .

When peace prevails, societies become capable of evolving towards global development that includes all areas: economic, social and cultural. In a peaceful environment, countries can invest their resources in improving education, healthcare, primary education, technological innovation and infrastructure development. Peace also contributes to the construction of strong and effective institutions, capable of achieving justice and equality among members of society.

The fundamental pillar on which sustainable development rests is social justice, and this can only be achieved in an environment of peace. There can be no real development in a context of discrimination, oppression or social disintegration. Peace provides optimal conditions for cooperation among individuals, government agencies and civil society to achieve development goals.

Peace as a tool to resolve conflicts and overcome challenges

Peace is a powerful tool for resolving conflicts. In the absence of peace, disputes increase and conflicts intensify, which can lead to serious harm to individuals and societies. But when peace is adopted as an approach to resolving conflicts, it opens the way to negotiation, dialogue and recognition of the rights of others. In this context, peace represents a vital alternative to violence and extremism, and helps create an environment in which people come together at the table rather than on the battlefield.

Peace must be a solution to crises and not just a way to temporarily get rid of problems. In order to build true peace, we must address the root causes of conflicts, whether economic, social or political. When justice is served and comprehensive development policies are implemented, the likelihood of conflict breaking out is reduced and almost non-existent.

Peace and its impact on the construction of the human personality

Peace is not limited to the societal or international level, but rather extends to the personal dimension of each individual. A person who lives in a state of inner peace is better able to make wise decisions and direct their energies towards the achievement of personal and professional goals. Inner peace helps reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, which improves mental and physical health.

When a person feels inner peace, it manifests in their social relationships. He becomes more able to understand others and encourages the establishment of healthy relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation. Individuals who live in an environment of peace are more capable of teamwork and creativity, because this environment gives them the opportunity to think clearly and achieve their goals more effectively.

Peace and future:

Towards a better world

In light of today's global challenges such as wars, climate change, poverty and economic inequality, peace is more important than ever. We must adopt a culture of peace at all levels: individual, local and international. This requires concerted efforts between governments, international organizations, civil society and individuals to achieve a peaceful environment capable of facing future challenges.

Peace is not just a goal to achieve, but rather an ongoing process that requires renewed efforts and solidarity among all. If wars have caused humanitarian and economic crises, peace can open new horizons for cooperation and development. Thanks to the world's commitment to peace, future generations will be able to live in a fairer and more sustainable world.


Peace is the basis of progress and advancement of human society. It is not just an absence of wars and conflicts, but rather a global culture that respects diversity, promotes justice and provides an environment of understanding and cooperation among all. By promoting peace at the individual, community and state levels, we can achieve sustainable development and real growth in which people can enjoy security and comfort. If peace is an attribute of God's goodness, then it must also be an attribute in our daily lives, so that we can live in a more humane, more just and more uplifting world.

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