Pharmaceutical integration between Egypt and Sudan: Bridges of brotherhood defy crises – Something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Cooperation between Egypt and Sudan in the pharmaceutical field is experiencing remarkable momentum, going beyond simple commercial exchange, to reach the desired level of integration, especially in light of the exceptional circumstances that Sudan is going through. As part of the two countries' desire to strengthen bilateral cooperation and support the health of citizens, a delegation from Sudanese pharmaceutical councils recently visited Egypt, bringing with it the hopes of a people seeking medicine as a lifeline rescue to escape the clutches of crises.

The visit of the Sudanese delegation represents an important turning point in the process of pharmaceutical cooperation between the two countries, as it resulted in concrete steps on the path to integration, the most important of which was the decision of the National Drug Council and poisons. allow the importation of Egyptian pharmaceutical preparations registered and approved by the Egyptian Medicines Authority without requiring their registration in Sudan, as part of a list of priority medicines specific to the needs of the Sudanese pharmaceutical market. This step is a practical translation of both. the countries' desire to improve trade in the field of medicine and facilitate Sudanese patients' access to high-quality Egyptian medicines at reasonable prices.

Pharmaceutical cooperation between Egypt and Sudan is not limited to the exchange of medicines, but also includes the exchange of experiences and capacity development. The Egyptian Medicines Authority strives to support executives working in the Sudanese pharmaceutical sector through capacity development programs, with the aim of improving the level of pharmaceutical services provided to Sudanese citizens.

The Egyptian Authority also pays great attention to increasing investments in the medical field, localizing a number of pharmaceutical preparations in the Egyptian and Sudanese markets and opening new horizons for export to Arab and African countries.

Egyptian-Sudanese cooperation in the medical field embodies a wonderful model of solidarity and togetherness between the two countries, especially in light of the difficult circumstances Sudan is going through. The joint efforts successfully met Sudan's needs for medicines during the current crisis, which helped alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people.

The opening of an office of the Sudan Drugs and Poisons Board in Egypt is an important step to strengthen pharmaceutical integration between the two countries. This office will contribute to monitoring indicators of the export of Egyptian pharmaceutical products to Sudan, facilitating procedures related to their import and ensuring their rapid and safe arrival to Sudanese patients. The capacities available in both countries provide great opportunities to strengthen integration in this area, which contributes to providing high-quality medicines at reasonable prices to citizens of both countries.

Pharmaceutical cooperation between Egypt and Sudan is considered a model in strengthening economic integration between Arab and African countries and an important step towards achieving sustainable development and improving people's lives.

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