Phenomena that do not suit the old White Mosque ✴️ Another angle ✴️✍️ Dr. Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

The exceptional circumstances that the city of El Obeid is going through have produced many phenomena that the local authorities have dealt with with flexibility and understanding, out of appreciation of the situation of the population and their difficult living conditions. The market was filled with fresh and street products. This greatly lightened the burden on sellers and consumers, and the means of livelihood are written and divided by the Creator. However, some things must be taken into consideration, which have a negative impact on the public interest and the interests related to the Creator. the safety and security of citizens. The area to the east of the old mosque is a sign of the old Grand Market, which was later known as a dishonorable description. This area is crowded with people offering various things, most of which are telephones and electrical appliances. tools. The method of presentation, negotiation, crowding, disputes and brokerage. In the foreground, and all this in front of the Grand Mosque, are the disruption of traffic, the difficulty of pedestrian passage and the impossibility. of women passing on this street.

The sacred and sacred nature of the old White Mosque requires the locality to take stock of this issue, even if it means assigning another location to this activity.

♦️From inside the corner:

Heavy rains have challenged Shikan town's efforts to clear streams and bridges

To facilitate the movement and drainage of water, thank God the result was positive.


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