Piercing a needle… shows experience ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

Live ammunition

Mahfouz Abdine

Pierce the needle…shows experience

When the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, said that they were working with the “needle's eye” policy in the face of aggression and the rebellion of rapid support, Many Sudanese who were impatient and eager for a quick return home greeted Lieutenant General Al-Burhan's statement with greater resentment. Or they're not comfortable because they know (drilling with a needle) takes a long time. , and does not give the desired result in the required time from their point of view, and these people are like football fans who strive for victory and put pressure on the coach, coaching staff and players, and nature human thirst for victory, (and the Messenger and those who believe with him say: When will God give victory, and those who believed with him (the Companions of) Adeel, then what about of us?

Those who contemplated the policy of “digging with a needle” did not realize the scale of the conspiracy against Sudan or the armed forces, nor its international and regional dimensions, and they spoke of the reality of their wishes or of their dreams and relied on social media. information.

But the armed forces are aware of the dimensions of the conspiracy and the scale of the plan and are not rushing in without advice or an enlightening book. They handle all enemy plans (A), (B), and (C) with advanced understanding. and anticipate all the enemy's plans and surprises.

This is why the politics of (drilling with a needle) was very important at this point, and people began to understand and welcome this approach (drilling with a needle) when a small part of the scale of the conspiracy against the country and the armed forces forces appeared to them, and the policy of (drilling with a needle) produced tangible results on the battlefield and on the battlefield, which increased the conviction of the people who rushed towards victory and saw how slow the victory of the armed forces was. being the same slowness resulting from the adoption of the (needle piercing) policy.

The armed forces have faced intense media campaigns against the armed forces, demanding that the commander-in-chief “loosen the reins”. For these people, loosening the reins means “rushing” towards enemy positions without seeing a military strategy, which means mass deaths for the armed forces, but the armed forces have kept their military areas under the command of the public. Armored vehicles, engineers, transmissions, wood and throughout the Omdurman Military Region, including Karari, the Military College and others.

This was the stud farm, and among these areas was needle drilling. One of its results was the preservation of the human and logistical strength of the armed forces, aware of the scale of the conspiracy against Sudan at the international and regional level. prepared for all developments and surprises as they faced aggression from (17) countries participating in this battle who wanted to engulf the country in favor of regional and international powers who supported the rebellion logistically and managed the battle behind walls and across seas.

But the armed forces fought the battle according to a long-term policy, despite the people's aspiration for a quick and decisive victory.

The needle drilling policy yields impressive results that have amazed the world and earned the armed forces greater appreciation from experts and academies specializing in military sciences.

This appreciation is a badge of honor for the sake of the armed forces, which have demonstrated to the world their superiority over this conspiracy, led by more than (17) countries with different capabilities and multiple resources and influence. Some of these countries work. on their stomachs, some walk on all fours, and some walk on two legs.

In the end, the policy of “drilling with a needle” showed “experience”, and this is what is required.

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