Poet Nizar Qabbani…it seems he did not visit Shendi – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

Nizar Qabbani is a well-known Arab poet whose poems have been scattered from the Gulf to the ocean, and thousands of young people have loved his poetry. His poems have aroused and still arouse the Arab nation, especially its leaders, to face these challenges and stand with all its might in the face of Zionist arrogance and Israeli arrogance.

It seems that the state of mobilization led by the poet Nizar Qabbani has generated only enthusiastic speeches from the leaders of the Arab nation, but these are empty speeches that have not moved (one hair) the Zionist entity.

The poet Nizar Qabbani ridiculed these (strong) speeches, (weak) words and verbs, and described them as antics and said that these antics do not kill (a fly), and that flies are small and weak insects, but they have abilities from their physical structure, with which God challenged the infidels and the polytheists, and God presented with them an example of those who take without God is my guardians

(O people, a parable has been proposed, so listen to it. Indeed, those on whom you invoke besides Allah will never create a fly, even if they gather together for it, and if the fly takes away from them something, they will not do it. Deliver him because of the weakness of the seeker and the one sought. (73) They have not esteemed Allah as He deserves. Indeed, Allah is Mighty, Mighty.

Al-Qurtubi said in his interpretation that flies are distinguished for four things: (their humiliation), (their weakness), (their filth) and (their abundance).

In these four areas, we are talking about (abundance) and (dirt). As is known, wet waste and dirt represent a suitable environment for flies to breed, and the fly breeding cycle is the fastest and fastest reproduction process. from an egg to a larva to a cocoon to a whole insect, this cycle does not take much time.

Flies, with these two characteristics, pose a threat (to health) and then a threat (to safety) secondly, because all the diseases that flies transmit can pose a threat (to safety) because they oppose the human element with death or disease.

With the rainy season and autumn, the number of flies increases in intensity, which constitutes an (environmental) and (health) danger in which diseases such as gastroenteritis multiply, the most dangerous of which is known as (cholera), which is a dangerous and contagious disease that, if left untreated, causes death.

This is why the authorities are increasing the campaigns to combat flies, especially in the fall, by the authorities, especially in the localities of Shendi, where the senior management, headed by its executive director, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, worked diligently. headed by Samia Othman, and the waste collection department, headed by Ghada Burhan, behind them and in front of them, the autumn emergencies provide assistance (in kind) and (technical) advice, and do not skimp on (financial). support, because all these efforts, accompanied by popular support in the neighborhoods and regions, have succeeded in reducing the spread of flies, and local campaigns (calls for help) and (calls) have moved from the abundance of flies via social networking sites to (thank you) campaigns. And (praise) for the efforts made in the fight against flies, and there is no solid and clear evidence of this success, that the locality of Shendi has not recorded a single case of infection with (cholera), despite the thousands of arrivals and thousands of people passing through it in all directions, and despite the fact that most of the localities of the Nile State have not been spared from the infection, which in some cases reached dozens of cases. The authorities of Shendi are thousands of times stronger than the “Arab leaders” who lost the war against Israel, as Nizar Qabbani said about them.

If we lose the war, it will be strange

Because we enter it with the rhetorical talents that the Oriental possesses.

With anteria that did not kill (a fly)

Because we enter the area of ​​the drum and the rababa.

It seems that the poet Nizar Qabbani did not visit Shindi, who did not enter his fight with an oratorical talent that did not kill a “fly”, but rather entered with a precise plan and killed billions of “flies”. Shindi's logic was not like that of the East (drum) and (rababa), but rather his logic was (A pump, an exterminator and thousands of young men carry the determination so that the locality remains healthy and its inhabitants are not afflicted with any disease or illness.

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