Politicians, This Is Your War. How Can We Stop It? – The Face of Truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

Although all the evidence confirmed that war was inevitable, everyone looked on as if it didn't matter. Some of them were threatening, some were preparing, some were paying the price. Except that the people were the last to know and didn't know where to place their trust.. All are criminals against the homeland and the people to varying degrees… just as the widespread damage and violations committed by the rebel rapid support forces have also affected the people to varying degrees… so. the time has come for us to tell you our proposal for a solution without any of you giving yourselves a mandate that will not take us to any horizon… And there is no vision.. It is time for us to tell you our word.. If you hear it, may God reward you and increase your abilities, perhaps it will stop you from questioning God and history. And if you do not hear it, we will also tell it to history, to conscience and to people. We start with fundamental questions first… in order to reach conclusions… and then we propose the necessary solutions to achieve security and peace. Several reasons led to the outbreak of the war and its continuation. Among them are regional ambitions. planned a lightning military coup that would allow them to take control of the country through a number of political leaders who began to exploit the rifle of the Rapid Support Forces. Among them are also political incompatibility and the confiscation of the rights of the Islamists. defending themselves and preparing guillotines for them in secret to get rid of them… Among them, there is also the lack of political awareness of the security, economic and social conditions of the country… Among them, the confiscation of the opinion of the Sudanese and speaking on their behalf without authorization… All this and more… leaving the people on the sidelines of the political equation, of the miserable equation of governance Even those who were sought to move the street and create the subjective and the objective. The conditions for taking power were mostly absent and we did not understand the nature of what was going to happen. This reality of crisis has imposed on us and our country a war that we were not ready to wage with you, honorable people, politicians. We did not choose to go there. . It is with you.. Maybe someone will come and say that this is the year of the stampede.. If it were the year of the stampede, you would have prepared for it.. This war has proven that we are friendless, and the indication is clear, many are those who undermine our internal and national security. They had all the opportunity without deterrence… so they weakened our diplomatic work and thwarted a number of our attempts to seek help from others. In light of this, not a single person has supported our cause, despite its clarity, in any of the countries in the region or the world, with the exception of a number of countries that we can almost count on the fingers of one hand. Someone could say that the national project for Sudan has continued to reject humiliation. Subordination preserves national values ​​and sovereignty. Therefore, the project of domestication and subjugation that it aims at has been active for a long time. everyone is conspiring to subjugate or divide the country. These facts have made diplomatic work difficult and made it difficult to win friends. The war has also revealed the weakness of the official and public media, which know in times of war… which has led to. a blurring of vision, lack of facts and ambiguity in a number of official, military and security issues… until the subject of disagreement was about a broadcaster who was supported by the world and did not sit down, regardless of the backgrounds and reasons, but the people were not up to the challenge or the capacity. The scene… This media weakness is confirmed by the absence of a political incubator that manages the media according to the vision of the war… has also been a hesitation to arm the popular resistance, which could have constituted an impenetrable barrier to the expansion of the control of the rebel forces… This did not happen, due to the acute political division on the issue. The war has made it difficult to arm the rebel forces. global resistance, despite cautious arming… because the proliferation of weapons reinforces the fears of descending into civil war, and this is the mother of all disasters… It is also clear that there is hesitation in declaring a global state of war. The emergency in the country and the formation of a war government that would manage executive affairs, in addition to the weakness of the state governors who are supposed to be military in such cases… have been one of the reasons for the prolongation of the war… and perhaps minimizing the pain and suffering of the citizens… and this does not excuse anyone… it is a negligence on which those responsible for the management of the state are questioned… as well as the absence of a leading vision… And the strategic plan in the management of the war… as time has revealed… that there is no strategic plan in the absence of three fundamental elements in such circumstances, which constitute an effective government; And an expanding popular political incubator… and ready forces on the ground that can achieve a lightning victory… through this story, let’s talk about a new approach that could accelerate the end of the war or at least its return. the voice of the people and preserve the unity of the country… First, it must be emphasized that this war is fundamental. A political war resulting from the ambitions and failure of politicians to manage the conflict according to its objectives. the development of operations on the ground. Therefore, the approach to ending it must necessarily be political. Therefore, direct agreements must be made in the following: declaring the cessation of hostilities and media and political hate speech between all parties. are political; military personnel; Media professionals; Media activists and the entire public… for a period of at least one month to prove the good intentions and seriousness of all parties in favor of peace… This will be followed by the unconditional release of all civilian detainees held by the parties… The second step is to implement the Jeddah Agreement for security and humanitarian arrangements… I must start. This is when Rapid Support announced the acceptance of the agreement and the start of its implementation. As a result, the war stopped throughout the country. Then, the selection of field observers begins by consensus. Then, they leave civilian properties and citizens' homes… and gather in camps. At the same time, a clear and known vision of demobilization is agreed upon. and a reintegration order in accordance with the standards of the Sudanese Armed Forces. This includes the Rapid Support Forces and the Armed Movement Forces, with a deadline of two years to achieve a single army and then move on to a comprehensive political process that does not exclude anyone and in which everyone has no weight. Rapid Support will go into the formation of a political party for its civilian supporters… Just as all armed struggle movements continue to form political parties or merge with existing political parties according to what they deem compatible with their programs… Likewise, all political sanctions and measures will be incumbent on all party leaders, political actors and activists, except for those who are proven to have committed a clear crime in accordance with the law, they will be presented to a fair trial in which they will have the right to defend themselves, provided that the Sudanese people are witnesses on Sudanese satellite channels and radio. Likewise, the entire judicial apparatus of the country will be completed up to the level of the Constitutional Court. .. Elections will also be agreed on the basis of proportional representation within three years.. during which the country will be administered by a military council representing the general staff of the armed forces and all military units.. and a national civilian government of non-partisan skills and expertise. Its program is: compensation for citizens and repair of damages… and reconstruction, and reform of the economy, and preparation for elections… in which it leaves the word to the people… they decide who will lead them… they alone grant their mandate and they alone prevent it… this is the face of truth without falsification, without flattery, or outbidding anyone… I think this represents the way out of the crisis. Without anyone claiming that he has the strongest voice in his bias in favor of the country or that he is authorized by the people thanks to the legitimacy of the revolution… no one has the right to speak on behalf of the Sudanese people. …other than the army if it goes in the direction of sparing the blood of the Sudanese through acts of wisdom and a smooth transition to a new stage… in which security is restored.

May you always be well..

Sunday, September 1, 2024 AD (email protected)

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