Popular Resistance ✍️ Bakadi Talents

A crown that adorns the forehead and a patriotic scarf that distinguishes all who wear it. That's war. Taken by our armed forces

Yes, our valiant armed forces and those who support them with weapons, words and prayers

Greetings to all who have had the honor to fight and struggle in the battle of dignity

Joint forces that now fight the fiercest battles and win. In the pages of history, these positions and heroisms are saluted to the honorable sons of the country who return to service with all the experience they have brought, their hearts burning with jealousy for this country. . Greetings to the mobilized sons of the nation, to the young boys who left everything behind. Something was behind them. They took up arms to defend their land and their honor.

Today I want to talk about the popular resistance with what I have seen of the solidarity of the people with the Sudanese armed forces in the so-called popular resistance.

There is no more discussion after this, and there is no room for complacency and retreat. On the contrary, let us move forward towards the Imam to build a bright Sudan, full of good things and enjoying peace.

There is no room among us for regionalism, tribalism or partisanship.

Only 000

(A people gathered around its army)

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