Popular resistance strategy… A good plantation that bears fruit..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

Although the war had its tragedies, wounds and bleeding sorrows, it at the same time contributed to the “opening” of people’s minds and the expansion of their “awareness” of their homeland on whose land they live, and their attention to the abundant wealth of “worldly blessings” that God has bestowed upon them, to the point that some of us might be unable to count them… As for the greatest scene born under the “plagues of war,” it was the explosion of the volcano of “free will,” which in turn led the genie of “armed popular resistance” to burst out of its bottle and become an “inexhaustible stream” pouring into the fields of “battle” alongside the army of the homeland. participates (bearing arms) and dressed in khaki, in the battle of dignity against the bastards of the rebellion… the genius of the resistance (confuses the calculations) of the enemies abroad and their rebel henchmen and all the (agents) inside, and they seek to crush them, and we sometimes help them by delaying the arming and not using them optimally..!!

*The effectiveness of the popular resistance lies in its transition from a simple (human reserve) work to an (organized strategic) work that includes defense, community security and development activities, with the development of military training in preparation for the demands of wars… It was fortunate to have closely followed the training camps and the graduation of the Mustafarin in the state, and it was a common (popular and official) effort, and the state government played a (pioneering) role in carrying out this national work thanks to the (close) monitoring of Mr. Governor Abu Qarun and the provision (of funding) of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Mahjoub Al-Sir, who did not stop (visiting) the camps and obtained I received an appreciated award honor from him, and next to them were the rest of the (ministers) and the executive directors (supervisors) of the local camps. The efforts of all these officials have combined and produced this (good plantation) which is bearing fruit now… These efforts of the state government and all its staff cannot be denied or attempted to belittle them. We will not forget here the good intentions and effective performance of His Excellency Lieutenant General Mahjoub Hassan Saad during the recent period and his (preparation) to do so. make more efforts in the trenches of the popular resistance..!!

*The resistance will pursue its greatest goals, and we expect the specialists in (strategic studies) to undertake the preparation of this study that strengthens the (value and presence) of the popular resistance, so that it does not become simply (seasonal surges) that end with the end of the season and what the nation and the people have faced (the consequences of the war) is enough for us. Therefore, it is necessary to act effectively on the scale of all states to build a multi-purpose (solid architecture) for the popular resistance… so beware, oh understanding people…!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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