Popular Resistance, Voice of the Majority – On Low Heat – ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

⭕ The popular resistance represents a force that supports the foundations of legitimacy and the ruling system in the face of serious challenges such as coups and rebellions, thanks to its well-trained sons and daughters, on whose conscience and sincere patriotism we count. They have played a major role in supporting the armed forces in their fights against insurgents and rebel groups such as the Rapid Support Militia, which pose a threat to the peace and stability of the country. The resistance comes from the hearts of the people, drawing its roots from national values ​​and principles without any prejudice or partisan interest.

⭕ The army plays the role of the main pillar in supporting the popular resistance, and the resistance is also the back of the army, adding a necessary layer of protection and support against rebellions and militias.

⭕ This distinguished partnership constitutes an example of unity between the people and their armed forces, which strengthens the popular dynamic to face any future threat.

⭕ Security challenges due to militia hostilities pose a serious threat to public order. In this context, we promote popular resistance as a strong shield against hostile expansion, ensuring security and stability through deterrence and confrontation strategies.

⭕ Popular resistance effectively contributes to strengthening security and stability, by unifying the community front and fighting against any form of division. These efforts create a coherent front, capable of resisting any challenges that the country may face.

⭕ The strength of the people's resistance is distinguished by its unique ability to overcome divisions and unify ranks, reflecting the people's true will to defend the homeland and protect its capabilities, and confirming that patriotism transcends any limited political affiliation.

⭕ Popular resistance is a symbol of national values, an embodiment of the spirit of sacrifice and selflessness for the good of the homeland.

⭕ Coming together around these values ​​strengthens the social fabric and motivates everyone to unite to defend security and stability.

⭕ The army constitutes a fundamental pillar of support for the popular resistance, providing it with the necessary protection and support in the face of rebellion and militias. This unique cooperation constitutes a model of cohesion between the people and their military institution, which strengthens the popular momentum against any threat.

⭕ The country faces many challenges due to the hostilities carried out by militias, which threaten security and public order. In this context, popular resistance appears as a bulwark against hostile expansion, contributing to the establishment of security and stability through deterrence and resistance.

⭕ Popular resistance has an important role in strengthening the bonds of security and stability, through its unification of the ranks of society and its tireless work to reject any division.

⭕These efforts contribute to building a united front capable of facing any challenges that may afflict the country.

⭕ The strength of the popular resistance is evident in its ability to unite the ranks of the people, transcending all partisan differences and affiliations. This unification reflects the popular will to defend the nation and its capabilities, emphasizing that patriotism knows no limits to political affiliation.

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⭕ Popular resistance is considered to be at the center of national values, as it embodies the sense of sacrifice and altruism for the good of the homeland. Rallying around these values ​​strengthens the solidity of the social fabric and constitutes an incentive for everyone to unite to defend security and safety.

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