Port Sudan.. Place finger where bleeding occurred – Whale Thorn – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr

*The collapse of the Khor Arbaat Dam in the Red Sea State represents a natural disaster with major environmental and economic impacts that must be recognized and the negligence of the competent authorities responsible for the Arbaat Dam, whose direct control was solely the responsibility of the citizen. , due to the lack of official control for more than seven years, has not been revised and maintained. This is a dam in which the amounts of silt have increased and the amounts of stored water have decreased, in addition to cracks and cracks. which have appeared on the body of the dam without anyone monitoring or maintaining them, knowing that the Arbaat Dam is the soul of the city of Port Sudan and the artery that supplies it with water*.

*It is worth noting that the Federal Dams Administration built the Arbaat Dam, but there is no dams administration in the Red Sea State that is in charge of this dam, as well as the responsible authorities such as the Ministry of Urban Planning or the Ministry of Urban Development. Agriculture. The highest authority that can be held responsible for the crimes is the local government, which is also the weakest administrative link that can be held responsible, given the environmental changes that have occurred in recent years, including early rainfall in the Red Sea State, knowing that the Red Sea rains fall in winter and not as happened this year, with rainfall in summer and in above-average amounts, which precipitated the complete collapse of the Arbaat Dam, which is difficult to deal with in the foreseeable future. .

*It can be said that Sudan has witnessed the collapse of the Umm Dafouk Dam in South Darfur and the Bout Dam in the Blue Nile region, but the impact of these areas has been limited. However, the impact of the Arbaat Dam will have a direct impact on the citizens of the city of Port Sudan, directly next summer, because it is the only source of water supply for the city of Port Sudan. Its population has doubled due to the exodus from the war-affected states, and Port Sudan has become the city of Sudan. economic and political center after Khartoum turned into rubble*.

*In order to find solutions to the expected water crisis in the Red Sea State, the Port Sudan Academy of Sciences and Administrative Systems and the National Center for Entrepreneurship, Business Development, Small Industries and Community Development for Water Harvesting Management and Safety, Renewable Energy, Climate Change and Environment organized a workshop to discuss immediate solutions to the water problem in Port Sudan and all the solutions proposed are emergency solutions. These are to increase water desalination plants in the city of Port Sudan with bank financing or to build dams on some streams in the state to harvest water for the coming fall and winter. This project cannot afford to wait a single hour because autumn and winter are coming and the most effective, optimal and appropriate solution is to provide drinking water to the city of Port Sudan from the Nile and this project is not impossible, but it is beyond the capacity of the government at present, but it could be one of the strategic projects adopted by the government of Sudan. is part of the post-war projects aimed at restoring the debt of the city of Port Sudan, which became the first city in wartime*.

Half a fork

*If the Port Sudan Academy of Sciences and Administrative Systems takes the lead and throws a stone into the tacit pond during the water crisis in the city of Port Sudan, then the state of the sea is not limited to Port Sudan, but there are other cities that suffer from the same problem*.

A quarter of a fork

*Next summer will be a special summer for Port Sudan and Red Sea State. Will the finger be placed where the bleeding is?*.

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