President of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces meets with a group of media professionals

Port Sudan 7-4-2024 AD

Today, the Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General #Abdel Fattah_Burhan, met with a group of media professionals.

He praised the support of media professionals for the armed forces and their support in the battle for national dignity, indicating that they have dedicated their pen to serving the problems of their homeland and their support and victory for the problems of the homeland which they face great challenges for its security and stability.

His Excellency shed light on the overall situation in the country in the context of the rebellion led by the terrorist militia Rapid Support against the State and its institutions.

The President of the Sovereignty Council spoke about the racist sentiments that the militias have introduced into their war against the people.

Stressing that what this militia is doing is alien to the values, morality and heritage of the Sudanese people. Welcoming the large public gathering around the armed forces.

For his part, Mr. Diaa El-Din Bilal, member of the delegation, indicated in a press release that the delegation includes a number of Sudanese and Arab journalists.

Stating that this visit aims to know the reality of the situation on the ground, he added that the delegation visited the front lines in Omdurman, as well as the Nile State, where several meetings were held, indicating that the meeting with the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council was fruitful and important, during which a lot of information was provided to the visiting media delegation on the nature of the situation, especially since it is an existential battle targeting the existence of the Sudanese state. with all its components and apparatuses.

He said that many opinions and ideas were exchanged during the meeting and the need to support the army to play its role in protecting the Sudanese state against these dangers was stressed.

Professor Diaa El-Din explained that there is a major aggression against Sudan that requires the cooperation of all military, civilian and security sectors, considering that this danger targets the security and stability of the country.

He said the media sector bears a heavy burden in confronting this major conspiracy carried out by the rebel militias against the state and its institutions, with regional and international help and support.

The member of the media delegation praised the Sudanese people for their steadfastness and patience in the face of this conspiracy.

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