Pressure and negotiations expected on the sidelines of the General Assembly – The face of truth – ✍️ Ibrahim Shaqlawi

His Excellency President Al-Burhan will leave the country early next week, heading to New York to participate in the work of the annual United Nations General Assembly held on the 26th of this month… as part of its seventy-ninth session. . despite the importance of the visit for the Sudanese government and the Sudanese people in these circumstances where the country is going through the worst war in its modern history, following the rebellion of the Rapid Support Forces… after its attempt to seize power with regional support… However, the Sudanese government has not yet announced the president's schedule regarding speeches, meetings and meetings with all parties. We asked about this because it is clear that the United States of America and some countries in the region … are keen to meet with President Al-Burhan to exert intense pressure to end the war and find a settlement … through his participation in this event … despite the government's stated and clear position that the way forward to end the war is through the implementation of the Jeddah Agreement on Security Arrangements, signed on May 11 last year … this in view of what US President Joe Biden said yesterday in his speech regarding Sudan, in which he described the war as meaningless and that it had resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world … in addition to his speech on the spread of famine in Darfur, which threatens the lives of millions of people, and the importance of the Rapid Support Forces ending attacks on civilians … and their pressure for peace … as well as his speech on the importance of ceasing to fuel the conflict for the sake of Sudan’s future… as well as his indication that they will not abandon their commitment to the Sudanese people who deserve freedom, peace and justice. As President Al-Burhan responded to the speech, he welcomed President Biden’s expression of concern about what is happening in Sudan and his appreciation for the support for humanitarian efforts undertaken by the United States of America. indicated the determination of the Sudanese government to end the suffering of its citizens. But what is remarkable is that he indicated that the Sudanese government is open to all constructive efforts aimed at ending this devastating war… and is ready to work with all international partners in an effort to achieve a peaceful solution that will alleviate the suffering of the people and put Sudan on the path to security, stability, the rule of law and the democratic transfer of power… and this is what Jaidah emphasized today. Alongside the war… President Al-Burhan also confirmed that he was looking forward to deepening these discussions with US officials during the upcoming participation in the high-level segment of the UN General Assembly next week… This statement is clearly eloquent. Sudan's vision of what the situation will be… He also indicated the level of hopes that Sudan has for what will happen in the main deliberations of the Assembly, which are taking place on the sidelines of the work… On the other hand, according to Al-Sharq News, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said yesterday in Cairo during a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart Badr Abdel-Aty… on the developments in the situation in Sudan. ending the war in Sudan.. and that progress in the Sudanese crisis is threatened by a new attack by the Rapid Support Forces on the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State, in the west of the country.. and that both parties to the conflict in Sudan must sit down at the negotiating table to agree on the implementation of the agreements aimed at ending the war… and this is perhaps a clear reference to the Jeddah agreement… Also, in an interview with the Egyptian official Foreign Minister Dr. Badr Abdel Ati, who, while the Arab Republic of Egypt had a firm position in favor of the unity of Sudan, stressed the importance of a ceasefire in Sudan and the introduction of humanitarian aid, which has become a necessity. an urgent necessity… and the extreme importance of not placing the Sudanese National Army with other parties and working to strengthen the role of the Sudanese state in preserving the unity of Sudan and the Sudanese lands. In this context, the representative of the United States to the United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield revealed, according to the Al Khabar network, the organization of her country. A side meeting was held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on the special envoy Tom Perriello and the Secretary of State of Sudan. State Anthony Blinken will participate. I expected that there would be a number of events underway to try to bring the various parties to the negotiating table. In addition, according to observers, the United States of America could ask the army to stop flying. sorties in Darfur, particularly in El Fasher, while pledging rapid support to lift the siege of El Fasher. These statements and declarations by the American administration and observers are a prelude to possible pressures… during the participation of President Abdel Fattah al-Burhan at the podium of the United Nations General Assembly on the 26th of this month… which is the second participation since the beginning of the war, despite the claims of some about his legitimacy or the legitimacy of the government… and this has been overcome in the reality of many events after numerous participations of President Al-Burhan and the Sudanese government in a number of regional and international forums… but it is important that Sudan takes advantage of this opportunity to explain the details and developments of the war crisis and highlight the violations and continued massacres of the rebel forces against civilians… in addition to their lack of commitment to the implementation of the Jeddah agreement. It is also important to refer to the roadmap presented by Sudan. mediators to implement the agreement. .. The General Assembly meetings are considered one of the important forums in which heads of state wish to address the world directly. Therefore, President Al-Burhan's upcoming speech will be of interest to the regional and international community. communities… with the hope that his second participation will receive great media attention… given that it comes at an exceptional time and that the country has been going through a very complex situation since mid-April last year, when the Rapid Support Forces rebelled against the state with regional support… and the internal collusion of some political parties… Therefore, the face of the truth remains in the importance of going to the General Assembly according to a pre-prepared program that guarantees the country's distance from the country. Regarding the regional or international pressures expected at the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly, it is also necessary to emphasize the importance of implementing the government's vision regarding the Jeddah Agreement on security and humanitarian agreements, which was entrusted to the mediators because it represents a safe and effective path to restoring security and establishing peace for the Sudanese.

May you always be well..

Thursday, September 19, 2024 AD. (email protected)

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