Prince Baqadi.. Departure in front of the fire – Whale spine – ✍️ Yasser Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Bishr
*الأمير بقادى محمد حماد أسوسة حفيد صاحب المثل الشعبى (الخيل تجلقب وا) لشكر لحماد) قبل أن يكون ضابط إدارى حصيف وقبل أن يكون أمير قبيلة الحوازمة فهو أميرا لقلوب معارفه وأهله فى بساطته وزهده فيما عند الن اس فهو من الرجال الذين يولدون وهم قادة وفوق هذا وذاك يجيد فن إتخاذ القرار كيف ومتى ولماذا ولا يعرف فى الحق لومة لائم أبدا وأمثال الأمي بقادى هم نجوم فى سماوات الإنسانية لا يمكن أن يخبؤ بريقها أو يختفى أثرها ترجلوا عن صهوة جواد الحياة الدنيا فلله درهم من رجال عرفوا طريق الحق وعرف الحق طريقهم وقد الأمير بقادى سيرة طيبة عطرة تمنح الأجيال الطريق من دون عوجا ول ا متى ويبقى الأمير بقادى عنوان للزهد والعفة والعفاف وصفحة من صفحات التاريخ الناصع الذى يشرف كل من عرف فضل الرجل أو عاشره ولو برهة عم ر الزمان أمام أحد عظماء My country*.
*Prince Baqadi Muhammad Hammad Asusa introduced his family to the Hawazma as their prince, but he was humble with them as scholars are. He is good at listening to all problems and is good at remaining neutral until he returns the truth. its owners. Then he heals souls with his usual simplicity and keeps opponents away from them as if they were brothers. Therefore, Hawazma Hakura expanded and became a homeland and refuge for all ethnic groups present in Sudan, and when you set foot in it. In the city of Al-Hammadi, the seat of the presidency of the emirate, you know the true meaning of the slogan of unity in diversity. Everyone is equal in rights and duties, and there is no superiority for the Hazimi over any other ethnic group except through piety. *.
*The only slogan that Prince Baqadi brandished and displayed on a billboard in his house was the slogan “No to carrying weapons,” because of his belief in the need for peaceful coexistence between all components within the borders of his emirate and Sudan as a whole. It was known that he did not go to the center with the aim of seeking weapons to protect his family from the aggressors, even though he insisted that the state should play its role in protecting defenseless citizens, but he used to go to the center for security purposes. the purpose of providing treatment, medicine and other means of livelihood, and to put his finger where the bleeding was in the body of the nation. His last work in his life was to mediate between the Hamar and Misseriya tribes in Western Kordofan, and he. managed to defuse the crisis through his work as an administrative official. In West Kordofan State, he occupied a special place among the societal components of the state until his death on February 1, 2022. In my life, I have never seen a funeral like that of Prince Bagadi in his hometown of Al-Hammadi. The school students came out in a solemn position on the sides of the road, pointing to the body of Prince Bagadi. They chanted with tearful eyes (This is your symbol. bears the burden and protects your land)*.
*Since the great ones do not witness the time of conflicts, conflicts and wars, Prince Baqadi passed away before the cursed war that is currently going on in Sudan left as if he was telling people that the inside of the earth is better for us than its surface, and he lives in war, fighting and losses. Prince Baqadi left at the same time that the Nazir of Rizeigat, Madibo and Nazir left after the signing of the Naivasha peace agreement and before the secession of the country. State of South Sudan. Did I not tell you that the great ones will not witness the time of conflict and will not let those like Abu Salma cry*?
Half a fork
*Hadi Prince Muhammad Hammad Assoussa. We ask God to grant you success in leading the emirate despite the great challenges, but I am certain that the one who lives with Prince Baqadi (will cross and triumph) is a truth and a truth and not an empty slogan. *.
A quarter of a fork
*Al-Hazma in general, meaning the keys to good and the locks to evil, because the page of history is one and must be read impartially and objectively*.