Professional behavior, the weak link in the health sector {1} ✴️ Another angle ✴️ ✍️ Dr Amna Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Imam

There are certain moral and ethical constants that have been approved and ordered by all divine religions, and in Islam (the religion of treatment) we have been ordered to master the work and be sincere in it. Then came the human and behavioral sciences and made decisions. the behavior and ethics of different professions. There is no doubt that the medical profession, with its various specializations, is considered one of the highest professions because of its direct connection with the life of man whom God created, honored and organized. life, because the Sunnah clarifies the etiquette and manner of dealing with the patient, and it is one of the most basic human rights and the ABC of professional behavior for workers in the medical and health field, and with our full appreciation for this segment and our conviction of its role and the difficulties and troubles it faces in carrying out its duties. However, there are observations related to the professional behavior of some of its employees, which contributed to the formation of a negative mental image among patients, their companions and applicants for services of medical institutions.

Rehabilitating facilities, luxurious buildings, importing equipment and following the development of different fields of medicine are useless if their image is not complemented by executives who respect the ethics of their profession and translate it into their professional behavior. fundamental problems that hinder work and create crises. Many examples of realistic experiences in this sector will be the subject of this corner if there is a remainder of life.

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