Programs to provide social support and combat violence against women have been launched in the northern state, amid praise for national efforts

In the name of God the most merciful, the most merciful
✍️ Deputy to the Police Pension, Mr. Abdel Wahab
Islam commands to refrain from harming a woman, to tolerate her, to be gentle when she is angry, to treat her kindly, and to treat her kindly. This is an example of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the material. rights, but it goes beyond psychological rights.
Violence against women and girls is a widespread, persistent and destructive violation of human rights in our country caused by this cursed war. Violence manifests itself in sexual, physical and psychological forms.
The Social Registry is a national information system that includes a social support program that determines the eligibility and rights of families based on social and economic criteria.
In this context, Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, Federal Minister of Social Development, and Mr. Abdeen Awadallah, Governor of Dongola Northern State, inaugurated the direct cash support, implemented by the Security Commission, of social security, solidarity. and poverty alleviation, in advance with the Social Development and Savings Bank, in the presence of Mrs. Manal Makkawi Ibrahim, General Secretary of State Social Affairs and leaders of the state government, including the constitutional civil servants and executives. , security and justice agencies, and citizens and families of martyrs
Also on the program was the celebration of the 16-day campaign program to combat violence against women, implemented by the Secretariat of Social Affairs, which had already implemented a similar program under the slogan “Women contribute to reunification and the reconstruction of life. ).
Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, Minister of Social Development, at the beginning of his speech praised the government of the northern state and its citizens and appreciated the role of the armed forces and the forces participating in the war of dignity, forces armies and He emphasized in his speech that the Northern State Government, despite the circumstances of the cursed war, does not forget its duty to its citizens and the provision of all public services and its services. interest in social work implemented by the General Secretariat of State Social Affairs with its partners the United Nations Population Fund, the Humanitarian Aid Commission and the Diwan Zakat and others, because the work is one of the most important tasks of the Ministry of Social Affairs. He pointed out that the Security Commission for Social Security, Solidarity and Poverty Reduction has implemented a direct cash support program for poor families in safe states. the amount exceeds eight hundred billion, and the year 2025 has been set to be favorable to the poor, and there are several programs that will emerge, such as the Good Purpose, and it targets poor and economically active families
He recalled what oppressive and rebel militias have done and are doing in violation of international law, which criminalizes violations of women, whether through displacement, murder or physical violence. He stressed that his ministry is paying increasing attention to this woman.
Professor Abdeen Awadallah, Governor of the Northern State, has expressed thanks and appreciation to the Federal Minister of Social Development for inaugurating a charitable work in the state, which has resulted in strengthening social cooperation inspired by the values of our true religion. He praised the role of women and their sacrifices in all aspects of life, stressing that they are mother, sister, wife and daughter, denouncing all practices of violence committed by oppressive and rebel militias against women, including murder and displacement. , and all forms of aggression, as welcomed by His Excellency the Governor of the State, the United Nations Fund. He confirmed in his speech that the direct support program covered about seven beneficiaries and that his plan for next year, God willing, is to expand projects aimed at productive families and small industries.
Ms. Manal Makkawi Ibrahim, General Secretary of Social Affairs, welcomed the state guest, Mr. Ahmed Adam Bakhit, Federal Minister of Social Development, and his accompanying delegation, Mr. Abdeen Awad, Governor of the State, the United Nations Population Office. Organization, local and international organizations, Humanitarian Aid Commission, Dongola University and Zakat and Health Insurance Office, inaugurating all the social projects they have carried out, the General Secretariat of State Social Affairs, this which indicates that the state government and its partners are at the heart of one man, confirmed that Violence, displacement and abuse against women are rejected in a word, especially since the woman who known the bitterness of war is the one who lost her husband and child, and despite this, she was not spared from these violations. This is why the International. The Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls took place within the framework of the 26-day campaign, which began from last November 25 until the current December 10, and highlighted in his speech that there would also be a plan with the partners. and its departments which include conferences and training workshops that establish the concept of protection, increase community awareness and build capacity to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and justice
As for the area of direct aid, she reiterated in her speech that the social assistance program takes into account the health and family conditions of the number of categories of beneficiaries, and that the program is determined according to the specific people who are unable to work, people who suffer from health problems or insured illnesses that affect their ability to work, and the families of martyrs who gave their blood cheaply for the homeland.
Victory to our armed forces, to the police, to the security forces, to Mustafarin, to the armed struggle movements, to the popular resistance, to the Al-Baraa and Al-Rahma Brigades, to the Martyrs' Harvest Brigades, promptly recovery of the injured and the return of the missing.