Progress conference.. Words and peace – Beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The conference did not follow the advice of financiers to improve the image of progress,* *The conference was unable to provide clear support to the militias despite pressure*

*The conference made a mockery of itself by endorsing a political vision to end war and establish a state based on stopping and ending war*

*It goes without saying that the final declaration of the conference recognized the participation of Al-Hilu, the Popular Front and the Federalist Party as observers.

*Ibrahim Al-Mirghani came alone, posing as a representative of the original union, and the conference clung to this representation (observer) although it denied its origin.

*Why bypass the Jeddah agreement and consider it as an initiative among initiatives*

It was stated in the final declaration: “The conference approved a political vision for (stopping and ending the war, establishing the state and completing the revolution), based on the following foundations: stopping and ending the war , restore security and stability, and the return of displaced people, the unity of Sudan as a people and land, and the establishment of a democratic civil state that stands at the same distance from religions, identities and cultures, recognizing diversity and expressing all its components without discrimination, recognizing equality. citizenship is the basis of rights and duties, recognize historical and contemporary diversity, establish and build a professional military and security system with a national combat doctrine, establish a true federal government system whose basis is the recognition of the right inherent of all regions to manage Through its legislative councils and regional authorities, the conference discussed hate speech and racism, which the war has exacerbated and intensified, torn the social fabric and distorted the national consciousness. the war against the escalation of hate speech and its disastrous results, and the conference decided to launch a global campaign to confront this speech, with the legal, educational and cultural reform it requires, until he says that (Taqadum) now expresses the broadest civil democracy. alliance with the representatives of the ranks and centers participating in its founding conference, in contrast with the diversity which mixes partisan and non-partisan forces and modern and traditional societal social components, and in terms of the presence of delegations from the Sudan People's Liberation Movement of North, led by Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu, and the First People's Democratic and Federal Congress as observers, and to achieve these foundations, the conference decided to immediately start preparing a round table for all Sudanese forces of Sudan North. revolution and change, and the forces that reject war and believe in democratic transformation…etc)

The truth is that we have not seen or heard from these groups, unlike the (virtual) farmers' representative, who was prevented from speaking due to his audacity in condemning violations of rapid support.

The title of the article does not make fun of the conference. The conference made a mockery of itself by endorsing a political vision to end war and establish a state based on stopping and ending war… (Water was explained after an effort with water). a new dialectic. The conference welcomed the US-Saudi initiative through the Jeddah Platform and the two African Union initiatives. And IGAD also praised the efforts made by Egypt and neighboring countries to end the war and achieve peace, without specifying where to stop and end it. The war begins. Is it from the Jeddah platform, or from the African Union and IGAD, or from the efforts made by Egypt and Sudan's neighboring countries, why bypass the Jeddah agreement and consider it as an initiative among initiatives? talk about the need for its implementation, because it is the only agreement that was signed with the guarantee of Saudi Arabia and America, who decided to launch a global campaign to combat hate speech , with legal, educational, cultural and societal reform. It is clear how legal, educational, cultural and societal reform will be carried out and what the mechanisms will be.

It stood to reason that the final statement of the conference acknowledged that the participation of Al-Helu, the Popular Front and the original Federalist had come as observers, and perhaps it is true to say that the Professor Ibrahim Al-Mirghani came alone, posing as a representative. of federalist origin, with a legitimate question about the reason for the presence of observers at a founding conference, and learn that the elected institutions of the Umma Party issued statements and held a press conference to deny their relationship with the conference, accusing those who participated in the name of the party who violate the decisions of official institutions.

The conference remained silent on the Nairobi Agreement (Hamdok – Al-Helu – Abdel Wahed), which required round article participants to initially declare their approval of the declaration, and the declaration read (establish and build a system professional military and security with a national combat doctrine), in violation and conflict with the recommendations of the workshop, while the conference refrained from announcing any position on rapid support militias or denouncing their violations of civil rights, nor to require them to implement the national combat doctrine. Addis Agreement signed by Takadum with them, or urging them to implement the Jeddah Agreement, the conference did not follow the advice of financiers to improve Takadum's image. The conference was busy providing tangible support to the militia, so they delivered an eventful speech. The conference witnessed deep disagreements, conflicts and mass withdrawals. It is strange that Professor Rasha Awad announced the end of her relationship with Taqadum, as she was one of the founders and the official spokesperson of Taqadum. .

May 31, 2024 AD

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