(Progress) does not advance but delays – the edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 The most difficult times that a person experiences are the times of failure and wasting time on what is not useful or appropriate. The coordination of “Progress”, led by Hamdok, failed to manage the country during the years it took power and dragged Sudan into this war because of the “framework”, and even after leaving the seats of power, it did not achieve success in all the civil movements that it talks about, and it continued to experience failure after failure.

0 (Progress), which does not advance but rather delays, did not succeed in all its conferences and sessions when it made Addis Ababa its headquarters. The record of failure was repeated in the Cairo conference, requested by its coordination, and it actually failed in its final declaration, as some political forces refused to sign it because it did not condemn the Rapid Support as a terrorist militia. Among those who refused to sign were the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Minni Arko Minawi, the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Malik Agar, and the Supreme Council of Al-Beja Glasses, independent columns and other groups.

0 Then, finally, there was a gathering of political forces requested by the African Union in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, and for which the “Progress” coordination apologized for not attending. The final statement was issued there in which it called on the African Union to unblock Sudan's membership and condemn the rapid support militia and the serious violations it committed against the Sudanese people. The meeting also condemned all the violations that accompanied the war and confronted them with the law, while affirming the absence of impunity. And condemning foreign countries that support the rebellion and do not escape legal and moral sanctions, and that support the unity of Sudan and state institutions, and that the priority should be to stop the war and commit to providing humanitarian aid in accordance with what was declared in the Jeddah agreement. It was also agreed on the principle of Sudanese dialogue, Sudanese internally, without excluding anyone except those who have been convicted of committing crimes against humanity and genocide in accordance with the law and the constitutional document, and welcoming what the friendly and brotherly countries have provided to the Sudanese people in their ordeal.

0 Despite all this, we say that (Taqadum) failed in all the opportunities that were offered to him and was disappointed and did not realize his aspirations. Here, the Sudanese security authorities banned the militants of the Taqadum group from obtaining passports in accordance with the law. the decision issued by the Public Prosecution of Sudan. Anyone who wants to lift the ban should apply to the Public Prosecution of Sudan.

0 We say that (progress) has failed in all its plans, and failure does not mean the end. This could be a lesson and a step towards a good beginning, a review and a thorough examination. But the difficult question remains: will the Sudanese people accept a coordination of progress?

0 Finally, Taqadum issued a statement in which it said: We agree to a technocratic government, and in this context, God willing, I will speak to you tomorrow about the government we want.

And tomorrow, Swanna, you will grow up.

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. And the God of intention behind.

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