Progress.. Stupidity and coma – beyond the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*In the first conflict of powers and competences, it violated the course of its organizational regulations, by publishing a press release from the General Secretariat*

*It is clear that the statement was prepared in a hurry and, to be honest, it lacked a (progress) approach in preparing statements, so it was weak and blunt*

*Integration into the international community will not depend on silence in the face of UAE aggression*

*The agreement of dozens of parties and components to throw themselves suddenly into the arms of foreigners is a phenomenon that requires study and analysis*

I thought, with a somewhat guilty suspicion, that Takadum's founding conference would be a pause to catch our breath and examine the process of progress since its founding, and that it would be an opportunity for evaluation, reform and self-criticism . particularly what was stated in the Cairo Declaration issued by the Core Group. The conference was disappointing, particularly its disregard for (so-called) democratic practice and the alteration of election results to make deals and compromises. some names with other names, and perhaps this practice alone has revealed to a large extent that the slogans he (proclaimed) presented are nothing but pure deception which cannot deceive anyone, because this practice (scandal) is not an internal matter. linked to progress. This is a complete infringement process, and it does not excuse the fact that it was consensual.

In the first conflict of powers and competences, it violated the course of its organizational regulations, the General Secretariat issuing a press release, which falls within the competence of the Information Committee, or the official spokesperson, who said (At the Security Council session held on June 18, 2024, Ambassador Al-Harith Idris presented a statement on behalf of the Government of Sudan revising There are positions that negatively affect the interests of the Sudanese people, and we therefore clarify our position as follows: First: we firmly reject all forms of external interference that fuel the war by supporting any of its parties. At the same time, we praise and welcome all the efforts of our brothers and friends to. provide aid and assistance to our people Second: the statements expressed by Ambassador Al-Harith Idris the position of one of the parties to the conflict, which are the armed forces, and there is no longer any legitimate authority. in Sudan since the coup d'état of October 25, 2021. Third: the ambassador's statements deviated from all diplomatic norms and were characterized by. chants and a lack of respect for the traditions that govern relations between countries, especially in international organizations and forums, these statements are dedicated to the policies of the former regime, which isolated Sudan and imposed heavy burdens on his people. by ending this isolation by reintegrating Sudan into the international community, but the coup of October 25 and the war of April 15 brought the country back to the same isolation that we witnessed under the Salvation regime. Fourth: the ambassador's statements, which reduced the scale of humanitarian aid. disaster, express great contempt for the suffering of the Sudanese people as a result of this war. The war, in which the ambassador represents one of the parties, has caused killings, displacement and impoverishment, in addition to famine. people who, according to documented international reports, are suffering from the largest food disaster in the world. Finally, we affirm that ending the war is primarily the responsibility of the Sudanese parties and requires a real desire to put Sudan's interests first. country and its people, and to abandon belief in the possibility of a military solution. This is why we call for a return to the negotiating table and an urgent cessation of hostilities, leading to a comprehensive political solution that establishes lasting peace in the country. Sudan remained unified, civil and democratic.

It is clear that the statement was prepared in a hurry, and to be honest, it lacked the “Progress” method in preparing statements, so it came out weak and blunt, and it failed to hide and to protect (Taqiyya) blatant bias. towards the Rapid Support Militia and the Guardians of Blessing in the Emirates, so he became loyal to the demands of the Emirates that were expressed. This was reported by his representative during the same session, and there was talk of chanting Ambassador Al-Harith's statements. a lie during the meeting. What the ambassador spoke about regarding the UAE's interference in the war and its support to the militias with weapons through Umm Jars airport is something known and proven by evidence, and which is circulating in the corridors of the Security Council and in Congressional Committees and published by major Western newspapers, Ambassador Al-Harith submitted a serious complaint supported by evidence to the Council, but Britain intervened to change the method of holding of the session in order to delay the examination of the complaint.

The statement said that Ambassador Al-Harith represents one of the two parties to the conflict, namely the armed forces, and that the statements are dedicated to the policies of the former regime that isolated Sudan, and that this represents alone the height of moral decline. and helplessness. Is integration into the international community the price of silence in the face of UAE aggression, and does it require? The merger ignores the violation of international law by the UAE and Chad, particularly with regard to the violation of Security Council Resolution No. (1591), by participating directly. in the war and committing war crimes and genocide, especially after the revelation that the passports of Emirati officers killed during the war were seized. You will soon see progress. She will no longer be able to continue paying her bills in the United Arab Emirates.

It is possible that one or two people, in one or two parties, have external connections that push them to engage in employment and livelihoods, but if dozens of parties and components agree to throw themselves into the arms of strangers, it's a phenomenon. this requires study and analysis, after excluding stupidity and coma.

June 21, 2024 AD

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