Promote the Director General of the Police Force and reinstate the position of Deputy and Inspector General ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan Abdel Rahman, issued a decision to promote the Director General of the Police Forces to the rank of Lieutenant General and to appoint Police Lieutenant General Muhammad Ibrahim Awadallah as Deputy Director General and Inspector General of the Police Forces.
Despite this decision, it was taken very late, and after the Director General of the Police Force had spent almost a year and a half at the rank of Lieutenant General, at a time when it was customary for him to have the rank of Lieutenant General as soon as a decision was made to appoint him to the site.
Perhaps there were unprecedented circumstances which prevented the promotion decision from being made at the time due to numerous considerations, the details of which do not allow us to mention them today.
Praise be to the Director General of the Police Force, Lieutenant General Khaled Hassan Mohieddin, for his patience, endurance and unhesitating acceptance of the mission in extremely complex circumstances. He did not ask the leadership to promote him to the rank of Lieutenant General, leaving the entire issue to the discretion of the senior leadership who make the final decision.
Due to the nature of his personality, the Director General of the Police Force works silently, without noise and away from the cameras, and has been able to achieve numerous breakthroughs in various highly sensitive security issues.
The Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and his assistants continued to monitor, follow up and control the performance of the Director General for almost a year and a half, after which the result and reward was promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General.
The re-establishment of the position of Deputy Director General of the Police Force was absolutely necessary in order to reduce the heavy burden on the Director General, especially since the Director General has external files which require him to travel for many tasks, so there must be someone to assume his duties in his absence.
The roles of the police force were not usual, routine and usual roles. There are invisible roles and files that the police perform, hidden from the eyes of the people.
The conspiracies and machinations that the police force has been subjected to in order to weaken it, break its power and harm it during the past period, if this had happened to any police force in any country in the world, it would have completely collapsed and would not have been able to rise again.
The Sudanese police force was 100% prepared before the war and now 1,000,000% prepared after the war and was able to play its full role in peace and war.
The file of the security system with its various military units has become one of the tasks of a member of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabbashi, due to its importance, sensitivity, effects and experience, to manage it in a professional manner and away from emotions and courtesies.
There are many important and sensitive files awaiting the Director General of the Police Force, the most important and most striking being that of the passport officers appointed to work in Sudanese embassies abroad. Unfortunately, this file is still at a standstill and the work is still at a standstill. embassies is completely paralyzed due to the delay of officers in taking up their duties, which has caused an increase in the suffering of Sudanese abroad.
The issue of promotions to the various ranks is one of the most important issues which awaits courageous and immediate decisions from the Director General of the Police Forces.