Provide free mycetoma treatment to patients for (6) months

The National Coordinator for the Fight against Mycetoma Disease, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Qader Al-Mamoun, revealed an emergency plan to combat the disease, which will continue in the next (6) months. Al-Mamoun said in press statements that the disease is spreading. (9) States represented in the Central States and each of the States of Kassala, Gedaref, North and West Kordofan, North and South Darfur and in some places in Khartoum State, stressing the importance of localizing treatment, noting that the Federal Ministry of Health has included mycetoma in the system of neglected diseases. Abdul Qadir revealed a plan that will be implemented in Kassala State, considering that it suffers from the spread of the disease in each of the regions of New Halfa, Wad Al-Helio, Kassala and Localities of the Delta countryside. The coordinator confirmed that care is available in Kassala State, including for displaced people from Sennar State, with a free clinic available at Kassala Hospital every Saturday.

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