Public Prosecution Reveals Issuance of Red Notice Including 16 Rebel Supporters, Including Politicians and Media Personalities

Maulana Al-Fateh Muhammad Tayfour, Attorney General of the Republic of Sudan and Chairman of the National Human Rights Committee, announced the issuance of recovery and arrest warrants for 346 symbols of the rebellion to be handed over, in addition to issuing a red notice for 16 supporters of the rebellion, including politicians and media figures. The committee received 18,950 reports on violations of rapid support, which it said it investigated and referred more than 273. A report was sent to the court, which ruled on 150 reports, issuing various reports. sentences ranging from death to life imprisonment, and 43 defendants were acquitted.

The Attorney General confirmed in the program One Hour with an Official, organized by the Julnar Center for Press Services, that the rebel militias had committed many crimes classified as war crimes, genocide, ethnic cleansing and violation of criminal law. He revealed the arrest of 105 foreign mercenaries operating in 12 countries, in addition to issuing recovery warrants against 646 people. An accused fleeing the symbols of the rebellion confirmed that the militia had recruited 9,000 children, killing 4,494 of them and attacking 36 prisons. He released 19,446 detainees classified as terrorists and recruited them to work within his forces. He stressed that these detainees had committed war crimes, ethnic cleansing, genocide, rape and the beheading of Maulana Tayfur, thus continuing these cases.

Tayfour said that the militia committed 966 cases of sexual violations, crimes of sexual slavery, rape with the aim of changing the racial composition and crimes of rape with the intention of harming dignity, adding that the number of cases of rape and sexual violence exceeds what has been observed because the Sudanese society refrains from reporting such crimes for fear of social stigma. It must report rape crimes immediately, noting that the investigation and trial of rape crimes are conducted confidentially.

Tayfour said the number of looted vehicles reached 37,500 vehicles looted in Khartoum, Al-Jazeera and Sennar. He announced the launch next week of a citizen reporting platform and the retrieval of previously opened reports in rebel areas. complete their information regarding looted vehicles.

He stressed that exercising politics or exercising any other profession does not protect against prosecution before the law as long as the person is in violation. He explained that anyone who is part of the rebellion will be tried criminally immediately after arrest, and will be prosecuted criminally. will be tried in absentia if this fails. He expects the countries hosting the wanted persons to cooperate since Sudan has joint cooperation agreements.

Maulana stressed that the rebels have occupied more than 545,000 civilian properties, some of which have been converted into military housing.

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