Qatar is an embodiment of the Arabs and the tolerance and humanity of Islam – Witness – ✍️ Ahmed Al-Bathani

… This is what Sheikha Moza bint Nasser says ((They destroy schools in order to destroy the heart of society and its culture by disrupting education, tearing the social fabric and destroying the future of every child, so that hopes and wishes become vain in a circle that is expanding and filled with poverty and violence…)) Yes, with such profound expressions come the words of Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Higher Education. The entire Foundation..

Truly confirm that Qatar is the model that Arabs should be… This is true in the reality of Qatar's wisdom, in the proof of its good management and loyalty to the bulwark of humanity and the authentic Arab Muslim world. It is Qatar, which proves to us every day that it is a model, a guide and a beacon to which every Arab and Muslim is entitled, suffocated by the stench of dependence and deception and belonging to someone other than his roots, his culture. , his confidence in what he possesses of intellect and the right to be proud of it. Therefore, we love Qatar, respect Qatar and are proud of Qatar. It has done, produced, grown and treated in accordance with what has been achieved. him, this respect that adorns his forehead with acceptance and makes him affectionate in hearts. Greetings to the good Qatar and its deep, prudent and authentic Tamim, whom He did not buy or sell except with the scale of truth, justice and balance that he has. produced Qatar now with an existence and a state that it is proud of and also salutes Sheikha Moza, who sponsored, led and supported on behalf of Qatar everything that was necessary and important in the context of the disasters that some countries of the country experienced. Qatar's efforts are appreciated and great, and led by Sheikha Moza, her role always presents itself as a balm that heals wounds and treats diseases with medicine. The generous Qatari horizon represented by Sheikha Moza has interacted on various axes, including this one. ” was contained in Sheikha Moza's speech regarding Education Above All in her capacity as Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Education Above All Foundation and on the occasion of the International Day to Protect Education from Attacks witnessed by the Qatar International Convention. Center… and this was honored by Sheikha Moza and a number of world leaders and United Nations dignitaries who support education and youth issues. Her Highness Sheikha noted and emphasized the importance of the peace schools established by Qatar for children. deprived of education in conflict areas, which have received more than ten thousand students, noting that these schools were established in 2018 within the framework of the project (Together in Qatar), led by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser on behalf of Qatar through the initiative to recognize the International Day to Protect Education from Attack, which was recognized in May of the year 2020, when it was supported by 62 countries… This includes the surroundings of what Sheikha Moza was referring to, from Sudan to Syria, across conflict areas around the world… It is confirmed, seen and known that the hands of Sheikha Moza flow generously through major initiatives and important positions that are always noticed by her insight that conquers the hearts of millions of Arab peoples, the disasters of. Wounded Palestine does not escape Atta Qatar and its Sheikh, who burn with interest and care for every shortcoming that requires the solidarity and unity of the Arabs in matters that concern them, which are above all humanitarian. This is therefore the role of Her Highness. Sheikha Moza continues to renew herself to include spaces and comforts that she realizes, manages and safeguards with wise support and accompaniment. Qatar… Greetings to good Qatar, its Sheikh Moza bint Nasser, and its pioneer and leader, Prince Tamim. … Qatar is always on time…

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