Quick Support Mug: An Organized War Crime That Calls for Urgent International Action – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Salah Ghariba

Sudanese territory is the scene of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed systematically and repeatedly by the Rapid Support Militia, turning the lives of civilians into an unbearable hell. Indiscriminate attacks targeting civilians in their markets and neighborhoods, as occurred during the Malja market massacre in Sennar, are not only violations of international humanitarian law, but are rather part of an organized campaign to terrorize and displace civilians.

These heinous massacres are not isolated incidents, but rather part of a long chain of crimes committed by the militias since the outbreak of the rebellion, which includes indiscriminate shelling of residential areas, arbitrary arrests, torture, killings and repeated assassinations. These violations clearly indicate a prior intention to target civilians. And there is a systematic policy aimed at eliminating the opposition and any dissenting voices.

The repercussions of these crimes extend beyond the local context and directly affect regional stability. Repeated attacks on civilians lead to massive waves of displacement, increasing the burden on neighbouring countries and posing a threat to regional security and stability. In addition, the destruction of infrastructure and disruption of basic services exacerbate the humanitarian crisis, threatening the lives of millions of civilians.

International silence on these crimes emboldens their perpetrators to continue to commit more. The international community must assume its responsibilities and take decisive action to end these violations and hold their perpetrators to account. These measures include: the imposition of comprehensive economic sanctions by the UN Security Council on the Rapid Support Militia, targeting its leaders and financiers, including an asset freeze, a travel ban and designating it as a terrorist organization. Providing it with its full support to enable it to investigate the crimes committed in Sudan and prosecute the perpetrators. The international community must also work to ensure the protection of civilians and provide urgent humanitarian assistance to those affected. The international community must support regional and international mediation efforts to end the conflict in Sudan and achieve a comprehensive political solution.

What is happening in Sudan is a crime against humanity that requires urgent and resolute international action. The world must unite against these crimes and send a clear message that attacks on civilians will not go unpunished. We must all work together to end this war, protect civilians, and restore peace and stability in Sudan.

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