Rabah.. in the name of the Umma Party (2) – What is behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The decline of the party's website is seen as a serious indicator of the party's declining popularity among its inner circle and supporters*

*The party's statements are published without institutional consultation on social media platforms and do not express the spirit and approach of the party*

*The General Secretariat refused to publish a statement by the Coordination Council Foundation disavowing the leaders who participated in the Rapid Support Civil Administration in Al-Jazeera State*

*A (so-called) statement and other shameful positions. There is no doubt that the Day of Judgment will come around, if not within the institution, at least in the ranks and among the people*.

*The party's statements failed to condemn the serious violations of the Rapid Support Forces, with a member of the politburo shot dead and other leaders and cadres assassinated in many regions.*

*The participation of the Umma Party in (Taqaddum) is still a controversial issue, and party leaders in fourteen states have opposed its participation*

Regarding the Umma Party's positions on the war, Ms. Rabah answered the question (Are you satisfied with the positions of the Umma Party as institutions and leaders in this war, and what is your comment on the famous statement issued by the Umma Party on May 16)?

Rabah said: “No, I am not happy with the position of some party leaders or with most of the party’s statements published on social media. Unfortunately, the party’s website was rejected. It was the first website of a Sudanese party to do so. was founded in 1996 through the efforts of the head of the party’s office at the time in London, Habib Abdullah Al-Sadiq Abdullah. In 2007, as the digital media custodian, she oversaw the provision of the site with the largest digital memory containing the party’s documents and books, presenting its lectures, etc. Today, this effort, erased, has withdrawn in favor of an almost empty site, and the performance has been limited to statements published without institutional consultation on social media platforms that do not express the spirit and The party only expresses its authors, and the General Secretariat was alone in the decision to refuse to publish a statement issued by the Coordination Council Foundation disavowing the people participating in the Civil Administration of Rapid Support in Al-Jazeera State), and apart from the justifications given by the General Secretariat for not publishing the statement, it is still… Its page, full of statements on secondary issues, was devoid of any clarification on the party's stated position of not participating in the management of any of its parties, it also refrained from condemning the serious violations of Rapid Support, among which the assassination of a member of the political bureau and other leaders and cadres assassinated in many regions, while it was quick to condemn one of its parties. arrest of cadres by military intelligence, which constitutes bad actions against civilians in general, and it is true that we oppose them and call on both sides to raise their hands against civilians. As for the (alleged) statement and other shameful positions. , there is no doubt that the day of reckoning will come, if not within the institution, then at least before the rules and the people, and the day when Certificates will rise.

The party meetings in the presidential institution and then the Coordination Council in Cairo in March 2024 were the party's first on the ground after the war. The party's participation took place as if it were an automatic consequence of the Central Council's decision. Freedom and change were not presented to the institutions to make the decision. The institution's decision was that this was a wrong procedural step. What is necessary is to submit a memorandum to the president proposing the required reform and then evaluate his response to assess the situation. Supporters of the institutional decision abstained from participating in the Taqadum founding conference, and party leaders in fourteen states opposed this participation, while leaders at the highest level participated and held positions in Taqadum's elected structures. source of disagreement within the party. For me, I realize the positive aspects that motivate participation in Taqaddam as a broad coalition that enjoys international acceptance and seeks to link peace to the democratic civil transition and its demands. I also see the disadvantages of a controversial participation. in an alliance that does not give much weight to the parties, does not have the capacity to stop the war and does not have a great will to confront it and focuses on diplomatic contacts with the mediators, ensuring representation in the mediation platforms, negotiating by boycotting some of them (to attend the National Conference and its facades), and planning the succession of both sides of the war in a transitional government that could exert international pressure on both sides to end the war. the belligerents and those who resent them and by presenting effective and acceptable formulas for both sides. This is basically suitable for sitting, and according to what was foreseen in the roadmap, the progress is not similar to what has been happening on the ground since the January announcement. with rapid support, no progress has been made that would allow both parties to sit according to a declaration of principles acceptable to both parties. Therefore, I see that those who participated within the party made a mistake in their assessment, and the hope is that holding a meeting will contribute to the realization of the planned political bureau, which was long awaited in the preparation of the party scene, and will not be an episode of conflict and disrespect for the institutions as the meetings of the Coordination Council have been.

Observers of the political situation and the performance of the political forces before and during the war say that the situation within the Umma Party is darker than what Professor Rabah said, and that what she said falls within the category of what can be declared to the media, because the issue is not related to political or intellectual differences and does not fall within the opinion of the majority or the minority, otherwise it is necessary to resort to the party's position in (14) states, in addition to the Coordination Council. unanimously agreed to address Dr. Hamdok, the head of the administration, to seek clarification and set the objective conditions he deems necessary for the party to continue moving forward, and the party did not receive written statements as it requested, and the situation continued as The group participating in the Taqadum did not stop participating, while the group that refused to participate in any way adhered to its position, while accusations leaked for the first time about the true motives of the Taqadum participants and whether this participation was for the benefit of the Taqadum party, or implicit personal relationships,

The decline of the party's website is considered a serious indicator of the decline in the party's popularity among its relatives and supporters. The Umma Party has not only lost its subscribers on the party's website, as Rabah said, but it has also lost its presence in (14). ), this decline is closely related to the party's position. The party is free from war and participation in progress. A small group of leaders takes over and monopolizes the party's decision and links it to external relations and the party's promises. The militias have gone to extremes. Observers say that Rabah is blowing on a wineskin, and we hope that it will be different for you, in the interest of the party and in the interest of the country. being moderate, as he was in the time of the Imam, may God have mercy on him, uniting political forces without dividing them.

September 2, 2024 AD

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