Radio Shendi…the wealth of experience and quality of content – Masarat – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The small celebration organized by Radio Shendi in its small hall on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of its founding and the launch of broadcasting could be a new indication of the launch of the second decade of its long life, God willing, as He absorbs the “nectar” of experience to offer people “honey” in the programmatic map to be (Healing) for what is in the breasts and (food) for the spirit.

Radio, in its reality, unifies (consciousness) and elevates it towards broader horizons. She interacts with people and people interact with her, because in this matter there is (life) for the radio and (life) for the listener, and because life in its reality is giving and receiving, and he who is not generous as life is too hard for him, because he ignores greed and commits suicide.

It is (interactivity) because it has become the first and fundamental element of the means and media of communication, and for this reason, Radio Shendi has based itself on this capacity to use it to serve the community at through radio, and here cognitive (wealth). occurs, which (circulates) through the programmatic map to the (ear) of the listener directly from the presenters of the program and the guests who are the (secret) of this knowledge with their (abundant) knowledge and experience (deep), Shendi Radio did not find It is difficult to enrich this diversity in the programmatic map which shares broadcasting hours with the political, economic, cultural, social, sporting and advertising fields.

Because in the hands of Shendi Radio is a diverse (cultural) and multidisciplinary (disciplinary) company, it has been able to use all of this in its daily program, benefiting from the presence of a large academic institution such as Shendi University . the colleges have approached twenty colleges, and this means a lot in the multiplicity of sciences, and that the university has become (an outlet) for the radio, and the radio itself has become an (outlet) for the university , through which guests of various specializations are presented, and therefore it has become what distinguishes Radio Shendi in the (richness) of experience and (quality) of content.

Today, Shendi Radio extinguishes a “candle” to light a “torch” and a “lantern” to present its message in the service of society, increase the levels of health, economic and social awareness and increase the levels of awareness (to Security). It is important in this difficult stage that the country is going through, and in this way, radio is one of the lines of communication and attack in this battle, which is originally a media battle, and it is the battlefield. the radio people are its knights, just like the rest of the national media army.

Perhaps the numerous and distinguished presence at this celebration accurately reflects the great interaction between the radio and the community, which was represented by several parties, the most important of which was the presence of the Deputy Superintendent of the Ja'alin Tribes, Muhammad Ibrahim Wad Al-Bay, which represents civil society with all its components, was decorated with a “dress” and a flag on the heads of its members (the Taj decorated the foyer and the halls of the radio, as well as its premises). The presence was distinguished by the Rector of the University, Professor Hassan Awad Al-Karim, the President of the University Council, Engineer Al-Muatasem Ibrahim, and Dr. Ahmed Idris, who gave a lecture on the role of radio in the service of society, and it received Great acceptance and follow-up from the public, and the executive branch rushed to the field. The celebration, despite the agitation and challenges, was attended early by the executive director of the locality of Al-Mattama, Mubarak Fadl Idris, accompanied by relevant officials. and specialists in culture and media, he was followed by the executive director of the locality of Shindi, Khaled Abdul Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, and behind him (Treasures) of culture and media, Bakri Al-Azraq and his battalion, which fights. on several fronts at the same time. The elegant and distinguished presence was that of the Khartoum Journalists Association in Shindi, or the media professionals who arrived in Shindi, who formed a beautiful image on the day of the celebration, which they had previously participated in. the radio team since its introduction in preparation, progress and realization. Experiences converged and ideas converged, making for a distinctive addition to media work.

The 3rd Bashandi Infantry Division recorded a presence, although that day was difficult when an enemy force infiltrated the lines of responsibility and was defeated. The head of the Military Orientation and Information Division, Colonel Hafez Fath al-Rahman, came in person. representative of the Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Bashandi, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir Dawoud. The guiding team came with their beautiful voices. With the birdsong in the radio garden, she formed a distinctive melody that extended time. afternoon.

The challenge for radio now remains to increase broadcast hours and expand the geographic area of ​​radio coverage. As for interactivity, it has achieved this by a percentage (one hundred percent) and every year you are in hours (Haniya).

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