Rebuilding the State's Foreign Policy: A Strategic Necessity to Address International Challenges and Strengthen National Sovereignty ✍️ Dr. Al-Nazir Ibrahim Abu Sil

“This is a clarification for the people and a guidance and warning for the righteous.”

(Surah Al Imran: 138)

The war revealed that foreign relations were managed for the good of the people and their personal interests and not for the good of the state and its institutions. With the departure of the people, relations have disappeared and this must be changed immediately.

📍 A strategic planning council should be formed within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, consisting of qualified experts and specialists in international, diplomatic and economic relations, which determines the national interests of the state in the field of foreign policy, basic principles, strategic objectives, main goals and priorities. directions of the state's foreign policy 🎯

📍The state must pursue an independent and multidirectional foreign policy, dictated by national interests, national security and strengthening the state's global and regional position 🎯

📍 Foreign policy should be peaceful, open, predictable, consistent and realistic, and based on respect for the generally accepted principles and rules of international law and the desire for equal international cooperation in order to solve common problems and promote the common position of Sudan. other countries is determined by the constructive, neutral or hostile nature of its policy towards Sudan

📍 We live in a rapidly changing world. Colonial countries are increasing their influence at the expense of other countries according to their colonial interests and goals. Africa and Sudan, especially with its rich resources, are a goal for colonial countries. by establishing strong foreign relations based on national sovereignty and working to develop the state in all areas on new economic and political bases 📌.

The natural response to pressure on the state and interference in its affairs is to strengthen cooperation in external relations with independent countries, achieve economic integration and interaction in various fields, and create deep and multifaceted partnerships in order to protect the interests of the state sovereignty, exploit its decision and protect vital national interests.

📍 In response to the destabilizing actions and interventions of America and its allies, who imposed the Framework Agreement on us and produced this war, and who continue to equate the army with terrorist militias and turn a blind eye to the UAE's support for terrorism, the state must defend its right to exist, protect its citizens and resources by all available means, and adopt strict foreign policies and measures to this effect, clear prospects for cooperation with strong countries and expanding international cooperation according to mutual benefits.

📍 Faced with the turbulent international situation hostile to the State

This requires immediately establishing comprehensive strategic partnerships with Russia, China and the countries that are waiting to knock on their door to help us achieve higher national interests and benefit from their status and membership in the Security Council and the UN.

The external file must be managed with extraordinary intelligence 📌

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